Find USDA Eligible Properties in Logan County

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Looking to buy in Logan County, Nebraska?

There are 2 USDA backed residential loans in Logan county with an average loan balance of $60,399. Over 50% of the loans helped first time home buyers. Borrowers were an average age of 30 years old. The typical appraised home value was around $79,000. On average the rural home size purchased with this loan was approximately 1,721 SqFt. Logan county applies the standard USDA income limits to determine loan eligibility. For a household of upto 4 people the income limit is $90,300. For a household of between 5 and 8 people the income limit is increased to $119,200.

The size of Logan County is roughly 1,483 square kilometers. There are no geographical USDA loan restrictions in this county. The influence score for Logan County is 9. Look below for the interactive county level map illustration below for more details.

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* cities most likely to have USDA loan eligible properties for sale.

*Gandy   •   Hoagland   •   Logan   •   *Stapleton

A USDA loan is a mortgage option available to eligible homebuyers that is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture to promote homeownership in rural communities. USDA Loans, sometimes called "RD Loans," offer 100% financing options on eligible rural properties. USDAProperties can help you find USDA properties in Logan County.

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Logan County, Nebraska
USDA Boundary Details

Logan County is a relatively unknown yet significant county located in the great state of Nebraska, United States. Established on February 24th, 1885, it was formed from a portion of Custer County. Its formation was a result of the efforts of its first settlers, who started arriving in 1872. The county was named in honor of General John A. Logan, an American soldier and political leader who was widely admired for his service in the Civil War.

With an estimated population of around 750 residents, Logan County remains one of the least populated counties in the entire state. Its county seat and largest city is Stapleton, named after Thomas Stapleton, an influential railway construction engineer who played a key role in the expansion of railroads in this region. The county covers an area of approximately 571 square miles, of which nearly 4 square miles are water.

Agriculture has been a significant aspect of Logan County's history and economic foundation, with farming and ranching as primary sources of income for many families. The county is known for its cattle production and cornfields, and it remains a vital part of Nebraska's rich agricultural heritage.

A fun fact about Logan County is that it is home to the famous Ruby Creek, which is one of the smallest permanent streams in Nebraska. Located south of Gandy, the creek is a popular spot for wildlife and offers picturesque nature trails for visitors to enjoy the unique beauty of this American heartland. The meandering creek runs through the sandhills of Logan County and offers excellent habitats for various native plant and animal species, making it a great destination for nature lovers.

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Gandy Logan
Featured Properties from USDA Loan Eligible Regions of Logan County
402 D St
Stapleton, NE

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