*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Manhattan ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Tuxedo Park, NY. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, New York in New York County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
The City
191 active listings near Manhattan
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$19,500,000   * 67 E 93rd St
$18,800,000    7 E 88th St
$16,000,000   * 120 E 87th St Apt R22AB
$12,950,000    15 E 93rd St
$12,950,000    15 E 93rd St
$12,000,000    21 E 96th St Units 3rd & 4th
$11,900,000    200 E 95th St Ph B
$11,475,000   * 1111 Park Avenue Ave Unit 7B
$9,995,000    1295 Madison Ave Apt 3A
$9,000,000    1130 Park Ave Ph A
$7,995,000    1088 Park Ave # E
$7,750,000    1120 Fifth Ave Unit 10B
$7,695,000    323 E 90th St Unit 123456
$6,800,000    19 E 88th St # D
$6,780,000    200 E 95th St Apt 21B
$6,750,000    170 E End Ave Apt 16B
$6,500,000    171 E 94th St
$6,495,000    170 E End Ave # 10 & 11B
$5,995,000    150 E 93rd St Ph W
$5,800,000   * 1136 5th Ave Unit 6A
$5,775,000    200 E 95th St Apt 19B
$5,500,000   * 1130 Park Ave Unit 7/3
$5,295,000    360 E 89th St Unit 6AB
$4,999,000    50 E 89th St Unit 21CD
$4,890,000    1148 Fifth Ave Unit 1A
$4,700,000    200 E 89th St Apt 34A
$4,695,000    1148 Fifth Ave # 12C
$4,500,000    1725 York Ave Apt 20B
$4,500,000    1318 Madison Ave Unit Trp
$4,450,000    200 E 94th St Apt 2517
$4,200,000    1150 Park Ave Unit 10A
$3,995,000    1192 Park Avenue Ave Unit 15A
$3,950,000    534 E 87th St
$3,925,000   * 360 E 88th St # 15CD
$3,895,000   * 47 E 88th St Unit 4C
$3,750,000    360 E 88th St Ph 2B
$3,695,000    134 E 93rd St Ph 15B
$3,675,000   * 45 E 89th St Apt 26E
$3,500,000   * 1160 Park Avenue Ave Unit 7B
$3,495,000   * 115 E 87th St Unit 20EF
$3,495,000    153 E 87th St Apt 12B
$3,495,000    153 E 87th St Apt 12B
$3,425,000    8 E 96th St Unit 14C
$3,400,000   * 114 E 90th St Unit 5AB
$3,390,000    1065 Park Ave # 13AB
$3,250,000    120 E 87th St Apt R16G
$3,250,000    360 E 88th St Ph 1B
$3,195,000    1281 Madison Ave Unit TH2
$3,150,000    1220 Park Ave Unit 2C
$3,000,000    19 E 88th St Apt 7A
$2,999,000    65 E 96th St Apt 16B
$2,995,000    170 E 87th St Apt W9A
$2,995,000    141 E 88th St Apt 7A
$2,995,000    333 E 91st St # 12CD
$2,950,000    1133 Park Avenue Ave Unit 12W
$2,950,000    172 E 90th St Apt 1W
$2,895,000   * 181 E 90th St Apt 23B
$2,850,000   * 180 E End Ave # 21GH
$2,800,000    150 E 93rd St Ph E
$2,795,000    27 E 95th St Apt 3W
$2,750,000   * 1185 Park Ave Apt 11B
$2,725,000    115 E 87th St Apt 38F
$2,695,000    1075 Park Ave Unit 14A
$2,695,000    70 E 96th St Apt 15B
$2,695,000   * 1095 Park Ave # 3A
$2,599,000   * 65 E 96th St Apt 11A
$2,495,000   * 120 E 87th St # 24C
$2,495,000    49 E 96th St Units 8E & 9E
$2,495,000    1160 Park Ave Unit 8C
$2,495,000    47 E 88th St Unit 10D
$2,495,000    47 E 88th St Unit 10D
$2,495,000    1140 5th Ave Unit 8C
$2,495,000    60 E 88th St # 7A
$2,495,000   * 17 E 89th St Unit 8B
$2,295,000    45 E 89th St Apt 14D
$2,250,000    407 E 91st St Apt 4B
$2,250,000    250 E 87th St Apt 4B
$2,250,000    15 E 91st St # 5A
$2,249,000    8 E 96th St Unit 4C
$2,200,000   * 120 E 87th St Apt R10F
$2,195,000    1065 Park Ave # 13A
$2,195,000   * 21 E 87th St Unit 9A
$2,179,000    55 E 87th St Apt 8J
$2,149,999    400 E 90th St Apt 21B
$2,100,000    1349 Lexington Ave Apt 10E
$2,000,000    245 E 93rd St Apt 22G
$1,995,000    1060 Park Avenue Ave Unit 7F
$1,995,000    245 E 93rd St Apt 29H
$1,899,000    181 E 90th St Apt 3B
$1,895,000    200 E 89th St Apt 27B
$1,895,000   * 1133 Park Ave Unit 6E
$1,875,000    245 E 87th St Apt 19A
$1,875,000    245 E 93rd St Apt 27E
$1,875,000    1235 Park Ave # 9A
$1,850,000   * 389 E 89th St Apt 18C
$1,850,000   * 1192 Park Avenue Ave Unit 5D
$1,750,000   * 12 E 87th St Apt 6A
$1,750,000    27 E 95th St Apt 2E
$1,700,000    114 E 90th St Apt 5A
$1,695,000   * 333 E 91st St Apt 24A
$1,657,000    14 E 96th St Apt 6
$1,650,000    60 E 96th St Apt 5A
$1,625,000    1060 Park Ave Apt 14A
$1,600,000    47 E 88th St Unit 15D
$1,550,000    46 E 92nd St Apt 1
$1,495,000   * 530 E 90th St Apt 2A
$1,495,000    1623 Third Ave Unit 27F
$1,450,000    515 E 89th St Unit 4LM
$1,450,000    515 E 89th St Unit 4LM
$1,400,000    1725 York Ave Apt 33E
$1,375,000    389 E 89th St Apt 5C
$1,325,000    400 E 90th St Apt 8D
$1,300,000    1150 Park Avenue Ave Unit 6C
$1,295,000    389 E 89th St Apt 14A
$1,275,000    111 E 88th St Apt 8D
$1,249,000   * 1725 York Ave Apt 32D
$1,195,000    1065 Park Ave # 13B
$1,185,000   * 389 E 89th St Apt 14B
$1,150,000    161 E 90th St Apt 5B
$1,150,000   * 340 E 93rd St Apt 9M
$1,129,000   * 389 E 89th St Apt 15F
$1,125,000   * 1060 Park Ave Apt 12E
$1,100,000    1115 Fifth Ave Unit 1C
$1,099,000    389 E 89th St Apt 9F
$1,099,000    389 E 89th St Apt 9F
$1,099,000    389 E 89th St Apt 9F
$1,050,000   * 300 E 93rd St Apt 17E
$1,000,000    1060 Park Ave Apt 3D
$959,000   * 68 E 93rd St Apt 1F
$950,000    525 E 89th St Apt 4L
$895,000    1760 Second Ave Apt 14A
$859,000    217 E 96th St Apt 32G
$850,000    301 E 87th St Apt 24F
$849,000    1760 2nd Ave Apt 12E
$845,000    1601 3rd Ave Apt 25J
$815,000    120 E 90th St Apt 16B
$799,000    407 E 91st St Apt 4E
$795,000    200 E 89th St Apt 8B
$775,000   * 245 E 87th St Apt 3E
$755,000    301 E 87th St Apt 16E
$750,000    120 E 87th St Apt R20J
$750,000   * 245 E 87th St Apt 5C
$749,000    301 E 87th St Apt 14E
$745,000   * 226 E 95th St Apt 302
$725,000    55 E 87th St Apt 5A
$699,999    515 E 89th St Apt 1E
$699,000    331 E 92nd St Apt 1B
$699,000    302 E 88th St Apt 6K
$695,000    340 E 93rd St Apt 27K
$695,000    439 E 88th St Unit A
$695,000    170 E 92nd St Apt 4C
$695,000    1065 Park Avenue Ave Unit 12D
$679,000    1060 Park Ave Apt 5A
$675,000    439 E 88th St Apt 2F
$675,000    1060 Park Ave Apt 3A
$635,000    1065 Park Ave Unit 19D
$629,000    345 E 93rd St Apt 14F
$625,000    340 E 93rd St Apt 11D
$625,000    345 E 93rd St Apt 20A
$619,000   * 340 E 93rd St Apt 6C
$599,000    530 E 90th St Apt 3G
$599,000    309 E 87th St Apt 4H
$589,000   * 515 E 89th St Apt 3J
$588,000    206 E 95th St Apt 9C
$575,000    235 E 87th St Apt 8G
$575,000    150 E 93rd St Apt 9F
$555,000   * 400 E 90th St Apt 5D
$550,000    64 E 94th St Apt 5B
$550,000    345 E 93rd St Apt 18D
$550,000   * 401 E 89th St Apt 11D
$549,000    11 E 87th St Apt 12A
$525,000    125 E 93rd St Apt 6C
$510,000   * 166 E 92nd St Apt 4D
$509,000    1199 Park Avenue Ave Unit 3D
$495,000   * 235 E 87th St Apt 1I
$495,000    315 E 88th St Unit 317B
$480,000    9 E 96th St Unit 1C-A
$450,000    328 E 94th St Apt 4C
$435,000   * 439 E 88th St Apt 2E
$425,000    515 E 88th St Apt 5N
$390,000   * 302 E 88th St Apt 3B
$379,000    246 E 90th St Apt 1B
$375,000   * 515 E 88th St Apt 3J
$375,000   * 331 E 92nd St Apt 5C
$350,000    246 E 90th St Apt 5B
$350,000    246 E 90th St Apt 5D
$350,000   * 211 E 88th St Apt 3A
$285,000    160 E 91st St Apt 7E
$269,900   * 331 E 92nd St Apt 2C
$265,000   * 407 E 87th St Apt B
$250,000    215 E 89th St Apt 3A

Interested in fun facts and the history of Manhattan, NY?
Then read on!

One historical event that took place in Manhattan, New York was the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Some true facts about this event are:

1. The document was not signed by all of the Founding Fathers at once. Some signed it on July 4, while others signed it later in the year.

2. In the days leading up to the signing, there was heated debate and disagreement over the wording of the Declaration.

3. John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, was the first to sign the Declaration, and he did so with a large and flamboyant signature that has become famous.

4. The final version of the Declaration was not actually printed on July 4, but rather on July 5 or 6, and it was not widely distributed until a few days later.