*** No USDA eligible properties were found in White Plains ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Tuxedo, NY. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
White Plains
, New York in Westchester County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
City motto: Liberty or Death
41 active listings near White Plains
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$5,900,000    1 Renaissance Sq Ph 40A
$4,800,000    1 Renaissance Sq Ph 6G
$4,295,000    5 Renaissance Sq Ph 40C
$3,400,000    5 Renaissance Sq Ph 8G
$2,300,000   * 5 Renaissance Sq Apt 8D
$2,075,000   * 1 Renaissance Sq Unit 33EF
$1,700,000   * 5 Renaissance Sq Apt 29C
$1,399,000    165 Church St
$1,185,000    25 City Pl # C
$1,099,000    1 Renaissance Sq Unit 24E
$995,000    1 Renaissance Sq Unit 18F
$975,000    1 Renaissance Sq Unit V4A
$950,000    1 Renaissance Sq Apt 33A
$949,000    1 Renaissance Sq Apt 32A
$899,000    10 City Pl Unit 5A
$685,000   * 55 N Broadway Unit 2-9
$639,000    300 Martine Ave Apt 5D
$549,900   * 10 Cottage Pl Apt 6C
$499,900    33 Barker Ave Apt 6H
$499,000   * 55 N Broadway Apt 2-15
$435,000   * 20 N Broadway Apt A201
$399,000    300 Main St Apt 4A
$375,000    300 Main St Apt 5C
$359,000    300 Main St Apt 4C
$350,000    16 N Broadway Apt 6A
$349,000   * 12 Westchester Ave Apt 3G
$339,900   * 10 Franklin Ave Apt 2B
$330,000   * 312 Main St Apt 5B
$315,000   * 16 N Broadway Apt 4R
$300,000   * 300 Martine Ave Apt 8A
$274,000    16 N Broadway Apt 5A
$254,900   * 292 Main St Apt 1E
$203,000    12 Westchester Ave
$200,000    34-36 S Kensico Ave Unit 2A
$199,000    25 Franklin Ave Apt 3O
$189,000   * 33 Barker Ave Apt 3F
$185,000    30 N Broadway Apt 3E
$170,000    16 N Broadway Apt 6Q
$170,000    2 Amherst Pl Unit 1A
$119,000    1 Franklin Ave Apt 3I
$98,000    2 Amherst Pl Apt 1

Interested in fun facts and the history of White Plains, NY?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about White Plains, New York:

1. White Plains was first settled by Europeans in 1683, and it was incorporated as a city in 1916.

2. The city is home to the Westchester County Courthouse, which has been in continuous use since it was built in 1930. This courthouse has been the site of several high-profile legal cases, including the trials of Leona Helmsley and Martha Stewart.

3. White Plains is the county seat of Westchester County and is considered its commercial and retail hub.

4. The city has a rich cultural heritage and is home to several museums and cultural centers, including the Jacob Purdy House, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

5. White Plains is home to Pace University, which was established in 1906 and offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.

6. The city has a strong economy and is home to several major employers, including IBM, PepsiCo, and Heineken.

7. White Plains has a vibrant arts scene, with several theaters and performing arts venues, including the White Plains Performing Arts Center.

8. The city is easily accessible by road, rail, and air, with several major highways, commuter train lines, and airports located nearby.