USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Ohio in Hardin County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
A Classic Ohio Villiage
13 active listings near Ada
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$595,000   👍 1482 Township Road 55
$595,000   👍 1482 Township Road 55
$498,500   👍 322 E Lima Ave
$498,500   👍 322 E Lima Ave
$429,000   👍* 0836 State Route 81
$375,000   👍* 1110 Beech St
$214,900   👍 115 S Johnson St
$175,000   👍 310 Valerie Dr
$160,000   👍 207 Short St
$126,900   👍 118 W Montford Ave
$99,900   👍 306-308 Johnson
$99,500   👍* 543 N Gilbert St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Ada, OH?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Ada, Ohio:
- Ada is home to Ohio Northern University, a private liberal arts university.
- The town was founded in 1853 and named after Ada Wrigley, the daughter of one of the town's founders.
- Ada was once known as the "Corn City" because of its thriving corn industry.
- The Ada Public Library is notable for being one of the first public libraries in Ohio to offer free access to the internet.
- Ohio Northern University's Freed Center for the Performing Arts hosts numerous concerts, plays, and performances throughout the year, featuring both local and nationally renowned performers.
- Ada is home to the Wilson Football Factory, a factory that produces footballs used in the NFL and NCAA.