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Sharon Music
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Sharon is a real estate sales person with the firm of Century 21 Sunway Realty LLC. She and her husband Harold live outside ... see full details and contact information for Sharon ... informed decisions and will provide outstanding service to her clients.
Sharon has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $84,900 to $119,900.
Serving the areas of Dola, Alger, Ada, Forest, Mount Victory, Dunkirk, McGuffey & Kenton
Jacqueline Shoffner
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The Realty PASSkey was founded over 25 years ago. I have been with the company for over 24 years serving Logan and ... see full details and contact information for Jacqueline ... service, and establish a long term trusting relationship with you.
Jacqueline has 1 active or recent property listings for $55,900.
Serving the areas of New Hampshire, Quincy, Wapakoneta, Lakeview, Huntsville, Lafayette, Lewistown, McGuffey, Russells Point & Pemberton
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Pros and cons of home ownership in Alger, Ohio depend on various factors such as location within the village, home prices, property taxes, crime rates, and job market. Here are some factors you may consider:

- Alger is a small village, so it provides a close-knit community environment where residents can develop strong relationships with their neighbors.
- The cost of living in Alger is lower than the national average, which means that it may be more affordable to own a home here compared to other areas.
- Alger is located near Kenton and Lima, which may provide job opportunities.
- Alger has some scenic views of the surrounding countryside.

- The job market in Alger is not as diverse as in larger cities, which may make it harder to find well-paying employment.
- Alger has a relatively high property tax rate compared to other areas in Ohio.
- Alger has seen a slight increase in the overall crime rate compared to previous years, which may be a concern for some residents.
- Alger is in a rural location, which may not offer as many entertainment and cultural opportunities as urban areas.

Overall, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of home ownership in Alger, Ohio based on your personal needs and preferences.