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City Logo
Where History Meets Progress

1. Barnesville is a friendly and welcoming community, with many small-town amenities such as locally owned shops and restaurants.
2. The city is very affordable, with low housing costs, making it a great place to live for people on a budget.

1. The city lacks adequate public transportation, so getting around can be difficult without a car.

David Major
Agent Photo

Served in the US Army from 1961 to 1964 Realtor for 23 years 2006 Secretary of Belmont County Board of Realtors ... see full details and contact information for David ... Specializing in homes in the Ohio Valley 2005 President's Club Award
David has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $150,000 to $340,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-04 for $320,000.
Serving the areas of Bellaire, Mount Pleasant, Colerain, Harrisville, Flushing, Rayland, Beallsville, Lafferty, Belmont & Clarington
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Shaun Hayes, Broker
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Ready to Make the Move?
Sulek & Experts Real Estate

Office address:
745 E Main St
Barnesville, OH

Shaun has 9 recent and active property listings that range in price from $6,000 to $399,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-21 for $400,000.
Serving the areas of Beallsville, Clarington, Barton, Adena, Maynard, Smithfield, Glencoe, Flushing, Bannock & Bethesda
Karen Derosa
Agent Photo

Ready Set SOLD!
Harvey Goodman Realtor's "GO TO AGENT"! Awards: Belmont County's Top Dollar Producer 2019. Voted Best of the Ohio Valley ... see full details and contact information for Karen ... Realtor Offices Served: St. Clairsville, Martins Ferry, and Barnesville.
Karen has 8 recent and active property listings that range in price from $19,900 to $449,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-05 for $1,175,000.
Serving the areas of Flushing, Bellaire, Adena, Martins Ferry, Jacobsburg, Quaker City, Beallsville, Blaine & Clarington
Shari Mcnab, Realtor
Agent Photo
Sulek & Experts Real Estate

Office address:

This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $749,900 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-03 for $180,000.
Serving the areas of Martins Ferry, Dillonvale, Quaker City, Blaine, Colerain, Clarington, Cadiz, Bethesda, Maynard & Lansing
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Official State Seal

Barnesville, Ohio has many advantages as well as disadvantages for real estate investment. Some of the advantageous aspects of purchasing real estate in Barnesville, Ohio are:

- The town has a lower cost of living compared to bigger cities, making it attractive for people looking for affordable housing options.
- The town has a stable economy, with job opportunities in a variety of sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.
- Its location in Ohio, which is known for its low property taxes, makes it an attractive option for real estate investors who want to save money on property taxes.
- The town has a slower pace of life that appeals to some people who prefer a quieter lifestyle.
- The town is surrounded by scenic natural beauty, making it an attractive rural location that appeals to outdoor enthusiasts.

- The town has limited entertainment and shopping options due to its small size, which may not appeal to people who want a city lifestyle.
- The town has a limited real estate market, which may make it more difficult to find the property that meets your needs.
- The town may have limited job opportunities in specific industries, which could limit employment opportunities.
- The town is relatively far from larger urban centers, which may make it less appealing to people who need to travel frequently or commute to work.

It is important to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages when considering purchasing real estate in Barnesville, Ohio to determine if it suits your specific needs and preferences.