*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Berea ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Pheasant Run, OH. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Ohio in Cuyahoga County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
The Grindstone City
35 active listings near Berea
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$675,000    50 N Rocky River Dr
$399,900   * 115 Firestone Dr
$395,000    109 Riveredge Pkwy
$389,900    236 Stone Ridge Way
$389,900   * 112 Stonesthrow Dr
$364,900   * 473 Edgewood Cir
$344,900   * 709 Wyleswood Dr
$342,222   * 467 Park Pl
$279,900   * 138 Milton St
$275,000   * 197 Weatherstone Dr
$270,000   * 116 Ledgestone Ct
$265,000    119 5th Ave
$259,000   * 368 Sterling Cir
$254,900   * 774 Bridle Ln
$250,000   * 403 Beech St
$249,900   * 206 Milton St
$247,500    6 Bronson St
$244,900    446 Yearling Dr
$239,900   * 237-249 Mulberry St
$231,000    449 Woodmere Dr
$229,900   * 317 University St
$225,000   * 311 Robin Dr
$224,900    560 Eastland Rd
$220,000    377 Runn St
$219,900   * 174 Fairpark Dr
$199,900   * 502 Abbyshire Dr
$190,000   * 649 Tampico Ct
$185,000   * 549 Abbyshire Dr
$170,000   * 645 Wesley Dr
$165,000   * 76 W 5th Ave
$144,500   * 45 Greenfield Ct
$136,000   * 321 Edgewood Dr
$67,500   * 101 S Rocky River Dr
$32,000   * 205 Savage St
$25,000    151 Nobottom Rd

Interested in fun facts and the history of Berea, OH?
Then read on!

Here are a few facts about the city of Berea, Ohio:

1. Berea is a city located in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States.
2. It is a suburb of Cleveland and is situated about 12 miles southwest of downtown Cleveland.
3. The population of Berea was 19,093 at the 2010 Census.
4. John Baldwin founded the city in 1836.
5. Baldwin Wallace University is located in Berea.
6. The city is also known for the Cleveland Browns training facility, which is located there.
7. Berea has a total area of 5.6 square miles, all of which is land.
8. The city has a humid continental climate, with warm summers and cold winters.
9. Berea is home to the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds, which hosts several events throughout the year.
10. The city has several parks, including Coe Lake and the Wallace Lake Nature Center.