*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Columbus ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Darbydale, OH. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Ohio in Franklin County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Test Market
The Arch City
47 active listings near Columbus
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,500,000    3839 Woodbridge Rd
$1,500,000    3720 Henderson Rd
$1,289,000    2100 Sheringham Rd
$1,250,000    2111 Cheltenham Rd
$1,250,000    1735 Ardwick Rd
$1,189,000    4020 Patricia Dr
$1,108,900    2300 Concord Village Dr
$959,000    1030 Highland Dr
$864,000    4905 Pleasant Valley Dr
$799,900    4556 Lanes End St
$799,000    3950 Riverside Dr
$798,000    2240 Concord Village Dr
$770,000    2656 Alliston Ct
$745,000    2111 Sheringham Rd
$735,000    4876 Arlington Centre Blvd
$719,000    4555 Elderberry Ct
$700,000   * 3691 Kennybrook Blf
$699,900    4160 Chadbourne Dr
$679,000    4380 Braunton Rd
$639,000    2200 Johnston Rd
$625,000    1825 Victorian Ct
$608,000   * 4190 Greensview Dr
$559,900   * 1717 Marshlyn Ct
$540,000    1930 Seaford Ct
$527,300    3885 Chevington Rd
$507,500    4365 Kendale Ct
$499,900    4168 Gavin Ln
$459,000    1976 Greensboro Dr
$429,900   * 2101 Coach Rd N
$399,900    923 Brentford Dr
$399,900    5040 New Haven Dr
$398,000    4368 Airendel Ct Unit 3
$385,000    4573 Arlingate Dr W
$379,900    4552 Arlingate Dr E
$379,900    1320 Denbigh Dr
$359,900    4725 Dierker Rd
$259,900   * 5251 Bethel Woods Dr
$239,900   * 1722 Bethel Rd
$229,900    1806 Willoway Cir S
$221,800    4826 Merrifield Pl
$219,906   * 2261 Hedgerow Rd Unit 2261A
$219,000    4780 Merrifield Pl Unit 36
$215,000    5236 Dierker Rd Unit B
$204,900   * 2175 Hedgerow Rd Unit 2175B
$200,000    1606 Lafayette Dr
$175,500    4660 Charecote Ln Apt K
$159,000    1070 N Merrimar Cir Unit G

Interested in fun facts and the history of Columbus, OH?
Then read on!

Here are a few facts about Columbus, Ohio and a notable historical event that took place in the city:

1. Columbus is the capital city of the state of Ohio and the largest city in the state by population.

2. The city was founded in 1812, and named in honor of the famous explorer Christopher Columbus.

3. Columbus is home to Ohio State University, which is one of the largest universities in the United States.

4. The city is also known for its innovative arts scene, with numerous museums, galleries, and live performance venues.

5. One notable historical event that took place in Columbus was the Ohio Penitentiary fire on April 21, 1930. The fire destroyed the prison, leading to 322 deaths and many injuries. It remains one of the deadliest prison disasters in American history.