*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Oklahoma City ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Nicoma Park, OK. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Oklahoma City
, Oklahoma in Oklahoma County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
73 active listings near Oklahoma City
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,799,900    4808 Rose Rock Dr
$1,300,000   * 4000 N Kelley Ave
$925,000    7101 N Miramar Blvd
$399,000    4435 N Martin Luther King Ave
$365,500    1212 NE 69th St
$335,000    1700 NE 67th St
$285,000    2524 NE 19th St
$259,900    3313 Sherman Ave
$255,000    1800 N Nebraska Ave
$255,000    1800 N Nebraska Ave
$254,000   * 5301 N Stonewall Dr
$249,999    1525 NE 34th St
$249,900   * 2140 NE 20th St
$244,900    1804 NE 53rd St
$240,000   * 1721 N Jordan Ave
$239,900    1801 N Wickliffe St
$235,000    1617 NE 47th St
$229,900    1435 NE 27th St
$225,500    1008 NE 20th St
$219,900    1813 NE 53rd St
$210,000    1415 North Ct
$209,500   * 1505 NE 26th St
$199,900   * 2130 N Bath Ave
$189,000    1717 N Kelham Ave
$185,000   * 1800 N Jordan Ave
$183,000    1241 NE 36th St
$179,900   * 2215 N Bath Ave
$169,000    2921 N Fonshill Ave
$165,000   * 1207 NE 47th St
$159,998    2114 N Bath Ave
$155,000   * 1509 NE 43rd St
$145,000   * NE Redbud Cir Lot 6
$140,000    1301 NE 34th St
$139,900   * 2110 NE 26th St
$139,900   * 1801 N Page Ave
$130,000    1616 NE 47th St
$130,000    1132 NE 17th St
$125,000   * 1608 NE 39th St
$122,000    2108 NE 23rd St
$115,000    2132 N Kelham Ave
$115,000    2220 N Hardin Dr
$112,000    1801 N Jordan Ave
$100,000   * 1713 N Jordan Ave
$98,000    2208 N Granada Blvd
$95,000    2408 NE 26th St
$94,900   * 2208 N Prospect Ave
$89,900   * 2209 NE 22nd St
$85,000    1500 NE 30th St
$84,900   * 2024 NE 30th St
$83,000   * NE 26th St
$80,000   * 1225 NE 17th St
$75,000   * 2012 NE 30th St
$74,900    1625 NE 34th St
$65,000    1414 NE 26th St
$60,000    3340 N Kelley Ave
$50,000   * 2136 N Everest Ave
$50,000   * 2145 N Everest Ave
$39,000    1614 NE 34th St
$26,000   * 2128 N Fonshill Ave
$26,000   * 2125 N Fonshill Ave
$26,000   * 1804 NE 25th St
$26,000   * 2121 N Rhode Island Ave
$25,000    1609 NE 26th St
$25,000   * 1029 NE 28th St
$20,000    1020 NE 27th St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Oklahoma City, OK?
Then read on!

Here are some facts and history about the Oklahoma City area:

1. The land that is now Oklahoma City was first settled by Native American tribes, including the Wichita and the Plains Apache.
2. In 1889, the area was opened to non-Native American settlers in a land run, and Oklahoma City was officially founded.
3. During the early 1900s, Oklahoma City became a major cattle and oil center.
4. In 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds more.
5. Today, Oklahoma City is the capital of Oklahoma and the largest city in the state, with a population of over 650,000 people.
6. The city is home to many cultural attractions, including the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, and the Science Museum Oklahoma.
7. The Oklahoma City Thunder, an NBA basketball team, also calls the city home.
8. The area surrounding the city is known for its tornadoes, with the infamous May 3, 1999 tornado causing significant damage in the suburbs of Oklahoma City.