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Crossroads of Northwest Oklahoma

Sarah Deweese
Agent Photo
Remax Gold Buckle Realty

This realtor has 7 recent and active property listings that range in price from $19,900 to $558,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-05 for $550,000.
Serving the areas of Arapaho, Gage, Hobart, Weatherford, Leedey, Longdale, Yukon, Laverne, Sayre & Hydro
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Advantages of buying property in Seiling, Oklahoma include:

1. Affordability: The cost of living is relatively low making property more affordable.

2. Peaceful rural environment: Seiling offers a peaceful environment with a small town atmosphere which can be appealing to some buyers who prefer living away from the hustle and bustle of big cities.

3. Outdoor recreation opportunities: With nearby parks, lakes and hunting trails, Seiling offers ample opportunities for outdoor recreation.

Disadvantages of buying property in Seiling, Oklahoma include:

1. Limited job opportunities: Seiling is a small town with a small job market which may make it difficult to find work.

2. Limited amenities: Seiling is a small town meaning there are not many shopping, entertainment or dining options.

3. Natural disasters: Seiling is located in an area that is vulnerable to tornadoes which can potentially cause property damage.

It is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages before purchasing a property in Seiling, Oklahoma.