USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Pennsylvania in Bucks County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
26 active listings near Tullytown
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$595,000   👍* 27 Leisure Ln
$585,000   👍 61 Nickelhill Ln
$565,000   👍* 255 Yardley Ave
$429,900   👍* 45 Pinewood Dr
$420,000   👍* 297 Thornridge Dr
$419,999   👍* 32 Needlepine Ln
$410,000   👍* 133 Elderberry Dr
$400,000   👍 38 Nettletree Ln
$399,999   👍* 55 Thimbleberry Ln
$399,900   👍 50 Edgewood Ln
$380,000   👍* 5 Midwood Ln
$379,900   👍* 12 Vase Ln
$375,000   👍* 11 Peachtree Ln
$375,000   👍* 5 Vicar Ln
$375,000   👍 18 Tulip Ln
$369,900   👍 47 Tanglewood Ln
$369,000   👍* 56 Timber Ln
$355,000   👍 16 Mockorange Ln
$349,900   👍* 11 Locust Ln
$349,900   👍 12 Nettletree Ln
$340,000   👍* 127 Elderberry Dr
$329,000   👍* 76 Tall Pine Ln
$325,000   👍* 6 Valor Ln
$325,000   👍* 49 Viburnum Ln
$310,000   👍* 37 Vicar Ln

Interested in fun facts and the history of Tullytown, PA?
Then read on!

Here are a couple of true facts about Tullytown, Pennsylvania:

1. Tullytown is a small borough with a population of just over 1,800 people, according to the latest population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.
2. The village was named after the Tully family, who were early settlers in the area in the late 1600s.
3. Tullytown played a significant role in the American Revolutionary War, as it was a key transportation hub for the movement of troops, supplies, and munitions.
4. In the late 1800s, Tullytown experienced an economic boom when it became a center for the manufacture of bricks, a trade that continued into the early 1900s.