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Positive Aspects:
1. Low cost of living: Redfield is one of the most affordable cities in Spink County, with housing costs that are lower than the state average.
2. Proximity to nature: Redfield is located near a variety of outdoor recreational activities, including biking trails and fishing spots.

Negative Aspect:
1. Limited amenities: Redfield is a small city, so there are limited shopping, entertainment, and dining options compared to larger cities in the area.

Reg Kleinsasser
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Real Estate Made Easy!
I have lived in Huron for most of my life. I am very well qualified to assist with all of your Real Estate needs. I am ... see full details and contact information for Reg ... Commercial, Farm and Ag Land. I am ready to go to work for you!
Reg has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $123,900 to $189,900.
Serving the areas of Redfield, Wessington Springs, Huron, Wolsey & De Smet
Cory Small
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Cory Small is a realtor who stays calm and makes the right decisions when the pressure is maxed out and giant sums of money ... see full details and contact information for Cory ... and give you insightful suggestions to navigate todays real estate market.
Cory has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Lead, Baltic, Lake Andes, Blackhawk, Oldham, Keystone, Tyndall, Fort Thompson, Beresford & Selby
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Redfield is a small rural community in South Dakota, and like many rural areas, it has a lot to offer potential property buyers. Some possible benefits of purchasing real estate in Redfield, SD include:

1. Affordability: Compared to many urban areas, the cost of real estate in Redfield is generally lower, which may allow you to get more space for your money.

2. Peaceful lifestyle: If you're looking for a slower pace of life, Redfield may be a good fit. The rural setting can be appealing to those who want to avoid the hustle and bustle of big cities.

3. Investment opportunities: As with any real estate purchase, buying property in Redfield may offer investment opportunities. For example, you could potentially rent out your property to generate income.

4. Access to outdoor activities: South Dakota has a reputation for its natural beauty, and Redfield is no exception. There are numerous opportunities for fishing, hunting, hiking, and other outdoor activities in the surrounding area.

5. Community spirit: Redfield is a small town with a strong sense of community. If you value this type of environment, Redfield may be a good place to consider.