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Larry Sharp
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US Army Retired,
Larry has 8 recent and active property listings that range in price from $9,999 to $459,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-30 for $472,500.
Serving the areas of Sharps Chapel, New Tazewell, Rose Hill, Cumberland Gap, Tazewell, Sneedville, Ewing & Maynardville
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Official State Seal

Sneedville, Tennessee is a small town with a population of just over 1,300 people. Here are a few benefits of buying property in Sneedville:

1. Affordability: Sneedville's real estate market is relatively affordable when compared to other areas within and outside of Tennessee.

2. Quiet lifestyle: Being a small town, Sneedville offers a quieter lifestyle away from the noise and stress of big cities.

3. Outdoor recreation: The town is surrounded by beautiful countryside and is close to Cherokee National Forest, offering plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and boating.

4. Community: The tight-knit community in Sneedville is known for being welcoming and supportive.

Of course, these benefits are not exhaustive, but should give you a general idea about why investing in property in Sneedville could be a wise choice.