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Good Things:

1. Presidio offers a peaceful, rural atmosphere, with stunning views of the Rio Grande and the surrounding mountains.

2. The city is close to Big Bend National Park and offers plenty of outdoor activities for residents.

3. The cost of living in Presidio is very affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking to relocate to a small town.

Bad Thing:

1. Presidio has limited job opportunities due to its small size and remote location.

Kerri A Blackman
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Let me help you find a place that brings you JOY.
As a member of the Keller Williams team, I offer many ways to assist you in investing in your future through Real Estate, my ... see full details and contact information for Kerri ... your dream home and take advantage of the all time low interest rates.
This realtor has 43 recent and active property listings that range in price from $10,000 to $2,500,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-15.
Serving the areas of Alpine, Marfa, Presidio, Fort Davis & Terlingua
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Octavio Duarte
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Octavio has 191 recent and active property listings that range in price from $197,950 to $313,950 with the most recent sale on 2024-01-04.
Serving the areas of Fabens, Westminster, Presidio, El Paso, Dell City, Fort Bliss, Fort Hancock, Tornillo, Clint & Sierra Blanca
Valda Livingston
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Marfa is my hometown so I know a lot of the history. I became a Broker in 1973 and have loved helping clients buy and sell homes.
Henrietta has 11 recent and active property listings that range in price from $48,000 to $2,500,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-07-07.
Serving the areas of Presidio & Marfa
Martin Wilson
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Rivero Realty, LLC

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This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $290,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-12-29.
Serving the areas of Ranger, Anthony, Sierra Blanca, Alto, Redford, Alpine, Fort Davis, Dell City & Artesia Wells
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Official State Seal

Presidio, Texas is a small town located in a rural area of West Texas. Here are a few pros and cons to consider when thinking about purchasing real estate in Presidio:

- Real estate prices in Presidio are below the national average, making it more affordable for buyers.
- The town is located near Big Bend National Park, which is a popular tourist destination. This could be a potential source of rental income if you were to purchase a second home or investment property.
- Presidio is a border town with a vibrant Mexican culture, which could be appealing to those looking for a unique cultural experience.
- The town is located along the Rio Grande River, which provides opportunities for outdoor recreation such as fishing and boating.

- The town has a small population, which could limit job opportunities and social activities.
- Presidio is located in a remote area, which could make it difficult to access amenities and services.
- The climate in Presidio is hot and dry, with little rainfall. This may not be appealing to those who prefer milder temperatures or a greener environment.
- The town may not have all the amenities and conveniences that larger cities offer.

Overall, whether or not purchasing real estate in Presidio is a good decision will depend on the individual's specific needs and preferences. It's important to consider all factors and do thorough research before making a significant investment decision.