*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Richmond ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Matoaca, VA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Virginia in Richmond County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
43 active listings near Richmond
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,100,000    3215 Brook Rd
$699,950    1602 Princeton Rd
$659,000   * 4103 Crestwood Rd
$649,950    4307 Newport Dr
$649,900   * 111 Chickahominy Bluffs Rd
$649,900   * 4206 Seminary Ave
$625,000   * 1602 Princeton Rd
$565,000   * 1215 Stanhope Ave
$550,000   * 1100 Seminary Pl
$545,000   * 1403 Stanhope Ave
$540,000   * 8327 Fulham Ct
$535,000   * 3951 Fauquier Ave
$529,999   * 1220 Whitby Rd
$499,900   * 1400 W Laburnum Ave
$495,000   * 3613 Brook Rd
$495,000   * 4517 W Seminary Ave
$489,000   * 8317 Diane Ln
$475,000   * 3206 Chamberlayne Ave
$466,000   * 3021 Chamberlayne Ave
$464,900    1350 Westwood Ave Unit 605
$460,950   * 216 Pilgrim Ln
$424,950   * 1313 Amherst Ave
$399,000   * 3902 Brook Rd
$395,000    4818 Chamberlayne Ave
$389,950   * 1929 Seddon Rd
$375,000   * 1925 Seddon Rd
$375,000    8207 Hood Dr
$374,950   * 907 Penobscot Rd
$360,000    401 Brookside Blvd
$349,000   * 8203 Whistler Rd
$319,950   * 4307 Fauquier Ave
$300,000   * 7600 Chamberlayne Ave
$299,000   * 1316 Brookland Pkwy
$275,000   * 8403 Hood Dr
$273,000   * 822 Winnetka Ave
$230,000   * 1119 Clauson Rd
$224,950   * 702 LA Von Dr
$194,950   * 5608 Crenshaw Rd Apt 1334
$175,000   * 3822 Chamberlayne Ave
$175,000   * 3822 Chamberlayne Ave
$175,000    3822 Chamberlayne Ave
$175,000   * 3822 Chamberlayne Ave
$139,000    5614 Crenshaw Rd Apt 1012

Interested in fun facts and the history of Richmond, VA?
Then read on!

Here are a few facts about the history of Richmond, Virginia:

1. Richmond was founded in 1737 and named after the English town of Richmond near London.

2. During the American Revolution, Richmond was the capital of Virginia and a center of political activity.

3. Richmond served as the capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.

4. Richmond was heavily damaged during the Civil War, with many buildings destroyed and the city's economy greatly impacted.

5. In the late 1800s, Richmond grew rapidly thanks to the tobacco and textile industries.

6. Many notable figures have come from or lived in Richmond, including Edgar Allan Poe and tennis champion Arthur Ashe.

7. Today, Richmond is known for its vibrant arts and culture scene, historical landmarks, and outdoor recreation opportunities.