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Raymond Gravelle
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Raymond Gravelle has been an agent in Grant County since 2009. His clients trusts his expertise and knowledge of the local ... see full details and contact information for Raymond ... Lake, Coulee City, Ephrata, Electric City, Moses Lake and nearby areas.
Raymond has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $120,000 to $395,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-19 for $950,000.
Serving the areas of Warden, Ritzville, Soap Lake, Sprague, Coulee City, Othello, Sunnyside, Ephrata & Coulee Dam
Sassy Rodriguez
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Keller Williams Spokane - Main

Office address:
799 S Stevens St.
Spokane, WA

This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $140,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-08-24 for $575,000.
Serving the areas of Colbert, Springdale, Chattaroy, Fairfield, Davenport, Fairchild AFB, Valley, Farmington, Creston & Tumtum
Eric Strozyk
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"The 509 Home Guy"
Eric Strozyk exemplifies integrity, hard work, energy, and uncompromising service in every detail of your real estate ... see full details and contact information for Eric ... on your behalf to make sure our clients are as satisfied as possible.
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $479,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-22 for $774,900.
Serving the areas of Chewelah, Bickleton, Valley, Chattaroy, Steptoe, Asotin, Grand Coulee, Royal City, Spangle & Reardan
Cody Craig
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Windermere Real Estate/City Group

Office address:
1237 W Summit Parkway
Spokane, WA

Cody has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Coulee Dam
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Possible pros of purchasing real estate in the village of Coulee Dam, Washington, include:

1. Affordability: Compared to many other areas in the state, the cost of living in Coulee Dam is relatively low, and the real estate market may offer some bargains for buyers.

2. Scenery: Coulee Dam is located near the Grand Coulee Dam, which is one of the largest concrete dams in the world and attracts many visitors every year. The area is also known for its scenic beauty, including the nearby Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, which offers opportunities for boating, fishing, camping, and hiking.

3. Community: Coulee Dam has a small-town feel and a tight-knit community, making it a peaceful and safe place to live.

4. Outdoor recreation: Coulee Dam offers access to a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities, including fishing, hunting, hiking, and skiing.

Possible cons of purchasing real estate in the village of Coulee Dam, Washington, include:

1. Limited amenities: Coulee Dam is a small village with limited amenities and services, which may be inconvenient for some residents.

2. Remote location: Coulee Dam is located in a remote area of northeastern Washington, which may not appeal to everyone. The nearest major city, Spokane, is over two hours away by car.

3. Winter weather: The Coulee Dam area experiences cold and snowy winters, which may make travel and outdoor activities more difficult for some.

4. Economic factors: The economy of Coulee Dam is heavily dependent on the Grand Coulee Dam and its related industries, which could be subject to volatile changes that could impact property values or the local job market.