*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Seattle ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Indianola, WA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Washington in King County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
City of Flowers
Emerald City
Jet City
70 active listings near Seattle
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$4,399,999    10936 Rainier Ave S
$3,850,000    10616 Rainier Ave S
$2,500,000    82 X1 S 132nd St
$1,700,000    6950 S 123rd St
$1,500,000   * 10435 76th Ave S
$1,500,000   * 10435 76th Ave S
$1,150,000    7809 S Sunnycrest Rd
$1,098,900    8205 S 123rd Pl
$999,950   * 11445 80th Pl S
$989,000    6829 S Langston Rd
$974,950   * 8203 S 112th St
$974,950   * 8203 S 112th St
$899,950   * 10629 Rainier Ave S
$899,950   * 10629 Rainier Ave S
$899,000   * 10464 Forest Ave S
$879,000    11647 Beacon Ave S
$850,000   * 11802 76th Ave S
$849,950   * 6439 S 112th St
$839,000    12413 84th St S
$824,000    10715 61st Ave S
$799,950   * 10607 Dixon Dr S
$774,950    13048 80th Ave S
$750,000   * 10423 60th Ave S
$750,000   * 7271 S 129th St
$749,950    5936 S Fountain St
$735,000   * 5704 S Leo St
$725,000   * 5401 S Ryan St
$719,995    10015 68th Ave S
$699,999    4504 S 124th St
$695,000    7800 S 126th St
$695,000    7800 S 126th St
$685,000    7826 S 112th St
$670,000    12034 68th Ave S
$649,000   * 7614 S 113th St
$645,000   * 11134 Cornell Ave S
$625,000   * 5419 S Prentice St
$624,950   * 5330 S Avon St
$599,950   * 12061 Renton Ave S
$599,950    11249 Woodley Ave S
$575,000   * 11427 Crestwood Dr S
$560,000   * 12429 80th Ave S
$549,900   * 12986 64th Ave S
$544,900   * 10671 Rainier Ave S
$530,000   * 12229 47th Ave S
$525,000   * 12034 44th Pl S
$500,000    13076 Renton Ave S
$499,885   * 11617 74th Ave S
$497,000    8225 S 132nd St
$475,000   * 12435 57th Ave S
$450,000   * 12017 59th Ave S
$450,000    10045 Arrowsmith Ave S
$435,000   * 7237 S 125th St
$410,000   * 12211 47th Ave S
$383,999    12501 50th Pl S
$375,000   * 10616 53rd Ave S
$275,000    5022 S 118th St
$270,000   * 12415 73rd Ln S Apt 43
$250,000   * 4939 S 114th St
$208,000    129 Xx 74th Ave S
$199,999    10412 Cornell Ave S
$177,000    5005 S 114th St
$170,000    123 47th Ave S
$164,900    122 Xx 64th Ave S
$164,900    122 Xy 64th Ave S
$150,000    4700 S 109th St
$125,000    12648 Xx 84th Ave S
$100,000    5312 S Wallace St
$100,000    5310 S Wallace St
$53,000    132 Xx Renton Ave S

Interested in fun facts and the history of Seattle, WA?
Then read on!

1. Seattle was founded in 1851 by the Denny Party, a group of pioneers from Illinois. The city was originally called "New York Alki," which means "by and by" in Chinook Wawa.

2. Seattle's first industry was logging, and by the late 19th century it had become a major lumber center. During this time, local pioneers built the city's first railroads, which connected it to the rest of the country.

3. In 1897, the Klondike Gold Rush sparked a population boom in Seattle, as prospectors from all over the world flocked to the city to launch their treasure hunt.

4. In 1962, Seattle hosted the World's Fair, which drew millions of visitors from around the world and helped solidify Seattle's reputation as a major international city.

5. In 1989, Seattle experienced one of its most significant historical events: The city's mayor declared the first Earth Day celebration in history.