USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Wisconsin in St. Croix County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
40 active listings near Baldwin
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$699,000   👍* 2047 County Rd E
$699,000   👍* 2047 County Rd
$595,000   👍* 746 190th St
$400,000   👍 200th St
$399,900   👍 1820 Rotterdam Ave
$379,900   👍 890th Ave
$379,900   👍 890th Ave
$369,000   👍* 1820-1822 11th Ave
$335,000   👍* 330 Pintail St
$330,000   👍* 270 Pintail St
$300,000   👍* 640 12th Ave
$269,900   👍 1220 Maple St
$269,000   👍 1140 10th Ave
$268,900   👍* 1421 Summit St
$217,500   👍* 300 Cedar St Unit 75
$205,000   👍 1239 Newton St
$125,000   👍 1320 6th Ave
$58,000   👍 187 Pintail St
$52,000   👍 190 Pintail St
$52,000   👍 194 Pintail St
$52,000   👍 195 Wood Duck Ln
$52,000   👍 187 Wood Duck Ln
$52,000   👍 191 Wood Duck Ln
$52,000   👍 179 Wood Duck Ln
$52,000   👍 183 Wood Duck Ln
$51,000   👍 199 Pintail St
$51,000   👍 195 Pintail St
$51,000   👍 191 Pintail St
$50,000   👍 1621 Mallard Ave
$50,000   👍* 1629 Mallard Ave
$49,000   👍 1617 Mallard Ave
$49,000   👍* 1625 Mallard Ave
$42,500   👍 316 Birch St
$42,500   👍 288 Birch St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Baldwin, WI?
Then read on!

1. Baldwin is the birthplace of the famous American author, Laura Ingalls Wilder.
2. Baldwin is home to the oldest continuously operating cheese factory in Wisconsin, established in 1878.
3. The town was founded in 1857 and is named after Abraham Baldwin, a signer of the US Constitution.
4. Baldwin is home to the annual Cheese Days Festival, held every August since 1927.
5. The town is home to the first public library in St. Croix County, established in 1895.
6. Baldwin is home to a historic covered bridge, built in 1877 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.