This agent has 28 reviews.

Miguel Freund, a buyer from Fort Myers, FL
Florida is already different from Germany - in just two months Alexandra Janz and Juergen Haeringer not only managed to find a property in Fort Myers with us, but also to complete the purchase. I would never have expected that to happen so quickly. Their support was more than helpful!

Nathaniel Monks, a buyer from Naples, FL
I warned Juergen in January 2020 that I might not buy a house or might not buy one soon because I was only interested in one style of house and only in one certain gated community. I refused to buy anything else. He was not phased. Month after month and then year after year he kept trying to find my house. Once he literally looked at the satellite view of the hundreds of homes, picked out my style then sent letters to each owner!
It took over 3.5 years, but finally the right people decided to move back "north." I can say nothing bad about this wonderful man except that he speaks German fluently and dresses with more style and class than any person I have ever met. Better than 5 stars!

HANS SCHMACHT, a seller from Naples, FL
Alexoandra Janz and Juergen Haeringer did a efficient job in finding a suitable buyer for our condo in a relatively short period of time. They handled the sale professionally, were supportive in some aspects of the sale and made sure that after signing the contract that the closing was done in a timely fashion. They also are knowledgeable in all aspects of real estate transactions and therefore can be recommended to everybody interested in buying or selling property.

Rainer Frankl, a seller from Naples Park, FL
Als langjhriger Investor im Immobiliensektor kann ich mit besten Gewissen behaupten, dass Alexandra und Jrgen mit Abstand die besten Makler waren, mit denen ich bislang zu tun hatte.
Sie ergnzen sich wunderbar und zeichnen sich durch ihr perfektes Teamwork aus.
Beide glnzen mit ihrer absoluten Fachkompetenz
Ihre Reaktionszeit auf Anliegen jeglicher Art ist unschlagbar.
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn ..... die Beiden als Makler ihres Vertrauens zu whlen, ist definitiv eine gute Entscheidung.

Markus & Miriam, a buyer from Naples, FL
We had the pleasure to work with Alexandra & Jrgen purchasing our Naples home. Both were extremely professional, responsive, courteous and knowledgable. Thank you both for all your assistance in the past months.

Anonymous, a seller from Naples, FL
Gave clear options with coherent expectations. Great follow through. Very responsive.

Maik Osterloh, a buyer from Naples, FL
Wir sagen Juergen und Alexandra herzlich Danke fr die erneut tolle Betreuung. Sie haben sich um alles gekmmert und uns vor und nach dem Kauf optimal betreut. Gerade fr Deutsche ist es wichtig Vertrauenspersonen mit der entsprechenden Expertise vor Ort zum haben. Dies findet man bei Juergen und Alexandra. Sie sind mit viel Fachwissen und einer empathischen Art ein toller Ansprechpartner vor Ort. So macht Immobilienerwerb in Florida Spa. Danke an euch. Weiter so und lieben Gru sagen Maik und Susi.

Anonymous, a buyer from Naples, FL
wir haben ber die Makler Alexandra und Jrgen Anfang dieses Jahres eine Wohnung in Naples gekauft. wir sind toll beraten und durch den gesamten Kaufprozess hindurch begleitet worden. die vielen Fragen die wir hatten, konnten uns die Beiden immer sehr schnell beantworten. ich wrde diese Agentur jederzeit meinen Freunden empfehlen.

Beate Und Elmar K., a seller from Bonita Springs, FL
Unsere Erfahrungen mit Alexandra und Jrgen waren durch Professionalitt und Hilfsbereitschaft zu jeder Tageszeit gekennzeichnet.
Ganz besonders bei dem Ausfllen der vielen Formulare waren sie uns eine absolut kompetente Hilfe.
Obwohl die Zeit drngte haben wir am Tag vor dem Abflug noch einen Notartermin bekommen, der uns viel Mhe in Deutschland angenommen hat.
Wir waren sehr zufrieden mit Alexandra und Jrgen und wrden sie jederzeit weiterempfehlen.

Danke euch

Anonymous, a seller from Naples, FL

Wir mchten uns auf diesem Weg herzlich fr den professionellen Verkauf unserer WOHNUNG bedanken. Der Verkauf durch Euch ging ohne Probleme. Ihr habt uns in allen Situationen geholfen und beraten.Wir knnen allen zuknftigen Verkaufsinteressenten nur empfehlen , sich an Euch zu wenden !

Frauke & Guenter Feix, a seller from Naples, FL
We were happy to have Alexandra as our agent since the sale of our property was successful- it went smooth and fast. She was helpful assisting us with the formalities in a friendly and efficient way. Thank you much! We will happily recommend her.

Heide Zimmermann, a seller from Naples, FL
Unsere Erfahrungen mit Janz / Hringer waren zu jeder Zeit absolut vertrauenswrdig und positiv in allen Punkten.
Alle Termine auf die Minute pnktlich,alle organisatorischen Probleme (Bankfragen,Steuerberater,Vertragsbedingungen,Interessenten,bis zum Spediteur,)
Alle Fragen sofort geklrt und immer erreichbar.
Jede Mail sptestens in 5 Minuten beantwortet.
Unglaublich, hier wurden uns viele Probleme und Fragen sehr einfach gemacht.
Der Verkauf war sehr sehr angenehm und beruhte auf groem Vertrauen ,Glaubwrdigkeit und Sympathie.
Wir werden diese Fachleute mit hoher Kompetenz immer weiter empfehlen .

Anonymous, a buyer from Lehigh Acres, FL
Alexandra and Juergen helped us to buy a house from a joint heirship from overseas. As you can imagine that seems to be a complicated project between a court, lawyers and three parties in the joint heirship. And it was. But Alexandra and Juergen maneuvered us through this storm of paperwork and communication between all parties involved. Great job and thank you much for this unusual transaction. We will use their service again! Higly recommended.

Andreas Peck, a buyer from Naples, FL
Was soll ich sagen? Ohne hier saemtliche Superlative zu bemuehen ist es wirklich schwierig, unserer Begeisterung Ausdruck zu verleihen. Alexandra und Juergen machen einen unglaublich professionellen Job, ohne dabei das Persoenliche auszublenden. Freundlich, zuverlaessig, verbindlich und zu jeder Zeit offen und ehrlich. Es ist wirklich ein Vergnuegen, mit den beiden zusammenzuarbeiten und dabei zu erleben, wieviel Herzblut und Leidenschaft in die Interessen des Kunden eingebracht werden... Einfach: WOW & DANKE !!!

M & J Fehrenbach, a buyer from Lely Resort, FL
Again it was a pleisure to buy a condo with Alexandra and Juergen. They are professional and always have good insider knowledge. Everthing was as perfect as it was the first time when we bought a house. We would always choose them as realtors again. It was a pleisure for us to cooperate with them. Thank you much Alexandra and Juergen!

Maik Osterloh, a buyer from Fort Myers, FL
Wir sagen von Herzen Danke an Juergen und Alexandra fr die tolle Rund um Betreuung. Gerade im Ausland wichtig jemanden zu haben wo man sich wohlfhlt und dem man vertraut, da man sich vor Ort nicht auskennt mit der Gesetzgebung und den Gegebenheiten. Auch nach dem Kauf immer als Ansprechpartner in allen Fragen fr einen da. Alles auf dem kurzen Dienstweg und vllig unkompliziert. Ein deutscher Anwalt mit Lizenz fr Florida und eine erfahrene Immobilienmaklerin. Was will man mehr. Den nchsten Kauf in Florida wieder ber Juergen und Alexandra. 100% Weiterempfehlung mit 5 Sternen. Danke Maik & Susi

Dieter Staub, a seller from Bonita Springs, FL
Alexandra & Juergen are professional,friendly and hard worker.
They kept us informed on everything.
We definitely recommend they to all our friends.
Thanks for your support and your commitment.

Eva und Bjoern, a buyer from North Fort Myers, FL
We would like to thank Alexandra and Jrgen much for their support in making our dream come true. Everything was excellent, from the first meeting to several on-site visits and via FaceTime, as well as for the great support, advice and help, right up to the conclusion of the contract and even beyond. Both personally, with a great warmth, as well as professionally, with valuable tips and useful information, the support left nothing to be desired. We did not expect such a good organization and the constant availability for questions and prompt answers were really good. We can recommend this service to everyone. Thank you both again.

Helmut Deffner, a seller from Marco Island, FL
Jrgen Haeringer and Alexandra Janz are a reliable and competent team. My property was sold quickly and to my complete satisfaction. Everything went off without a problem. The team worked reliably and professionally. I can wholeheartedly recommend this team and would work with them again at any time.

Natalya, a buyer from Bonita Springs, FL
You know I am not good at expressing myself but I hope you realize how thankful I was to have you on my side and support you provided through all the bumps we encountered on a way.

Your expertise and calmness was invaluable.

Ill definitely will tell about your super duo team.

Anonymous, a seller from Naples, FL
Since I was a licensed Realtor, I made an arrangement with Alexandra Janz and Juergen Haeringer. They handled the listing in the MLS and made an excellent video presenting of our home.
All showing inquiries from Realtors have been handled by the listing agents and passed on to me.
I handled the Showings, Open Houses and the Classified Ads.
The listing agents wrote the Offer/Sales Contracts and I handled the rest of the documentation and the final closing with a closing agent. This cooperation went well and I was quite satisfied with
the relationship and the work done by Alexandra and Juergen.

Herb Fischer, a buyer from Naples, FL
Juergen and Alexandra are a great team to work with. They were always in touch with me and guiding me through each and every step needed to get to the property closing. I was especially comfortable working with them remotely and did not need to appear in person to complete the purchase.

Mary Picariello, a buyer from Naples, FL
I was recommended by my cousin to use Alexandra Janz as my realtor from Berkshire Hathaway. I was happy in choosing her to find me the perfect condo. She has been helpful and knowledgeable on property in the Naples area. Anytime I called or text her she would get back to me by end of day and she would answer or inquire any problems or concerns. I found her to be professional, friendly and compassionate person to her clients. Truly a asset for anyone looking for a realtor.

Kimberly Martin, a buyer from Naples, FL
My experience working with Alexandra and Juergen was absolutely a 5 star pleasure. I purchased my new home from out of state. They walked me through each step virtually. Every email/text/phone call was attended to without delay. When there were hiccups with the Title Company they followed through for me. I was not present for my closing and they handled the details. On a side note - although I had already taken possession of the electricity - the Seller accidentally turned off the AC - when I called to ask if it was possible for them to go to the property to turn it back on they took care of it immediately. The devil is in the details when it comes to the end of a transaction and they were both on point with every detail - even after closing. It is my pleasure to post this recommendation for the professionalism and courtesy they delivered on my behalf.

Neil Russo, a seller from Naples, FL
I felt immediately comfortable and confident that Alexandra and Juergen Janz could provide the professional assistance I needed to search the Naples, Florida real estate market. Their honesty and integrity is what became most important to me, and with their guidance I purchased a home that will prove to be a valuable investment.
Robert Haeusser, a seller from Naples, FL
Excellent service! A + they made it possible for me to see my favorite houses via Facetime ...and... trust / confidence was big enough to buy a house via Facetime !!! Alexandra and Juergen made it possible with their full service, high knowledge, recommendations, German, English. During Covit-19 days they even took care about my house, cleaning service, maintenance, Furniture delivery, etc. because i couldn't be in Naples. Thank you! Absolut Empfehlenswert! wer als Deutschsprachiger ein Haus in Naples kaufen moechte ist hier am besten aufgehoben. Wann kauft man schon ein Haus via Facetime fuer sich selbst? Ich tat es, kannte Alexandra und Juergen vorher nicht. Jederzeit wieder gerne! Danke sehr!
Kashi, a seller from Naples, FL
We were lucky to have met Alexandra almost by serendipity during our search for a home in Naples. We wanted to find a home that was larger than 4,000 sq.ft. and that was relatively new. Alexandra helped us fine tune the search by tirelessly pinning us down the criteria that we wished to adopt, and by sharing with us listing after listing, these criteria became obvious to us as well. Next, she set up sophisticated filters and a mechanism to allow us to get the latest listings meeting these criteria. We somehow felt that we enjoyed a panoramic as well as a detailed view of the entire Naples market through Alexandra. Due to our residing far away from Naples, shed also take upon herself to visit some homes as she got to know better our tastes. During my first visit to Naples, we found the gated community home of our dreams. We spent only one afternoon viewing several homes, but we had already done all the homework thanks to Alex. The subsequent buying process was equally easy and friendly. She had a way of doing business that was thoughtful but also firm, so we got the price that we wanted to have. The paperwork process was entirely done by her and her husband Juergen, whom we got to know well too. All the paperwork was handled professionally, and Juergen even went to the premises with the inspector to make sure that all was in order. He took the time to visit with the community center and gave us many tips. Following the signing, they went through a checklist of items that we needed to be aware. They were in every way our trusted proxy throughout.

Its noteworthy that at no point did we feel pressured to do anything. Alex was always friendly, punctual in getting back, and she was never eager to solicit any business. Instead, she wanted to make it absolutely clear that we were comfortable with each step of the process, nudging us ever so gently to move forward. Although she has tons of energy, she is self-effacing and modest. It was only much later that we learned that Alex operated one of the top real estate firms in South Germany before immigrating to the U.S. And Juergen was an accomplished lawyer in Germany. Their familiarity with foreign cultures makes them an asset in working with foreign nationalities and their attention to detail is among the top Ive seen so far. I have worked with so many real estate agents in the past, and I must rank Alex and by extension Juergen (one gets two for the price of one) as among the top and the best in my 60 years. I would recommend her (and Juergen) to friends without any reservations.
Beach lovers, a seller from Naples, FL
After the successful sale of our vacation home in Naples, we would like to thank Mrs. Janz and
Mr. Haeringer for their committed and excellent work!
We felt well looked after at all times and informed at all times because of the good communication.
All viewing appointments and open houses were carried out personally.
They took over all coordination of the required craftsman services - which helped us enormously due to the large distance from Germany and is certainly not a matter of course. Final acceptance and key handover were also carried out by Mrs. Janz and Mr. Haeringer.
The effort was extremely small for us. Even at the closing date, Mr. Haeringer was present and helpful.
For this all-round service we would be happy to recommend Mrs. Janz and Mr. Haeringer!