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Elise Ell Buchholz
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Living Alaska Style
As an Instructor for Realtors in Alaska for over a decade, I continue to train, although helping others buy and sell Real ... see full details and contact information for Elise Ell ... home as quickly as possible at the best price. Hope to hear from you soon!
Elise Ell has 35 recent and active property listings that range in price from $5,000 to $2,500,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-08-01.
Serving the areas of Akiak, Naknek, Nulato, Red Devil, Craig, Napakiak, Larsen Bay, Tanacross, Kasigluk & Anderson
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Donna Cote
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Nothing is Impossible! The Word itself says "I'm Possible".
Im an Alaskan Realtor living the Alaskan dream! My love for this state expands over 30 years, and I couldnt picture myself ... see full details and contact information for Donna ... looking to buy or sell, I would be honored to assist you in your journey!
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $614,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-30.
Serving the areas of Prudhoe Bay, Old Harbor, Brevig Mission, Red Devil, Chignik Lake, Lake Minchumina, Adak, Cold Bay, Port Lions & Point Lay
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Karen E Ross
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Few things touch the heart as closely as the home.
Karen has lived in Alaska for 35+ years, and is married with three grown children. She has a background as a real estate ... see full details and contact information for Karen ... and her commitment to service is unparalleled. Reach out to her today!
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $119,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-07-11.
Serving the areas of Gakona, Hyder, Fairbanks, Quinhagak, Wasilla, Mountain Village, Ketchikan, Fort Greely & Grayling
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Official State Seal

Here are a few benefits of buying property in the village of Skagway, Alaska:

1. Stunning natural beauty: Skagway boasts awe-inspiring natural scenery, with its awe-inspiring mountains, glaciers, and forests.

2. Historic town: The village of Skagway features a rich history, which is reflected in many of the well-preserved buildings in the town.

3. Outdoor recreation: There are plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities in the area, including hiking, fishing, skiing, kayaking, and wildlife watching.

4. Unique events and festivals: Skagway hosts a variety of unique events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Skagway Arts Festival, the Skagway Marathon, and the Skagway Folk Festival.

5. Growing tourism industry: Skagway is a popular destination for tourists and has a thriving tourism industry. This could potentially offer opportunities for rental income if you decide to rent out your property.