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Living in Willow, Alaska is a unique experience. The small, tight-knit community offers the opportunity to get to know your neighbors and build strong relationships. There are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy such as hiking, fishing, hunting, and snowmobiling. The scenery is breathtaking and there are many natural wonders to explore. One not so good aspect of residing in Willow is that there are limited resources for those who wish to pursue higher education. There are no colleges or universities within close proximity and the closest major city is Anchorage which is about an hour away.

Elise Ell Buchholz
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Living Alaska Style
As an Instructor for Realtors in Alaska for over a decade, I continue to train, although helping others buy and sell Real ... see full details and contact information for Elise Ell ... home as quickly as possible at the best price. Hope to hear from you soon!
Elise Ell has 32 recent and active property listings that range in price from $5,000 to $2,900,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-15.
Serving the areas of Whittier, Elim, Brevig Mission, Ward Cove, Two Rivers, Lake Minchumina, Pelican, Eek & Gakona
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Dylan Griffith
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"Some Play House , We Go Hunting"
We exemplify integrity, hard work, & creative service in every detail of your real estate transaction.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-02.
Serving the areas of Craig, Nenana, Akiachak, North Pole, Old Harbor, Platinum, Shaktoolik & Stebbins
Donna Cote
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Nothing is Impossible! The Word itself says "I'm Possible".
Im an Alaskan Realtor living the Alaskan dream! My love for this state expands over 30 years, and I couldnt picture myself ... see full details and contact information for Donna ... looking to buy or sell, I would be honored to assist you in your journey!
This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $272,900 to $815,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-19.
Serving the areas of Houston, Sitka, Russian Mission, Deering, Circle, Wales, Tanacross, Point Lay, Willow & Wrangell
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Here are some potential benefits of purchasing real estate in Willow, Alaska:

1. Beautiful natural surroundings: Willow is surrounded by stunning natural beauty, including mountains, forests, lakes, and rivers. This can make it a great place to live for those who enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and skiing.

2. Peaceful lifestyle: The village of Willow is relatively small and quiet, which may appeal to those looking for a slower pace of life compared to big cities or suburban areas.

3. Affordable real estate: Housing prices in Willow are generally more affordable than in many other parts of Alaska, which could make it an attractive option for those on a budget.

4. Strong sense of community: Many residents of Willow are deeply connected to their community, and there are regular events and gatherings that can help create a strong sense of belonging.

5. Potential for rental income: If you're looking to invest in real estate in Willow, you may be able to generate rental income by renting out your property to short-term or long-term renters.

Of course, it's important to do your own research and carefully consider all factors before making any major financial decisions, including purchasing real estate.