*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Little Rock ***
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All Active Listings Near
City Image
Little Rock
, Arkansas in Pulaski County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
River City
20 active listings near Little Rock
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,390,000    521 President Clinton Ave Apt 1304
$1,150,000    300 E 3rd St Apt 1601
$675,000    300 Third Unit 1504
$649,000    521 E President Clinton Ave Unit 1402
$600,000    5 Statehouse Plz Ste 7B
$599,900    521 President Clinton Ave Apt 1206
$595,000    5 Statehouse Plz Ste 9B
$530,000    521 President Clinton Ave Apt 1108
$449,000    521 President Clinton Ave Apt 1101
$429,000    300 E 3rd St Apt 908
$420,000    300 E 3rd St Apt 703
$310,000    423 E 3rd St Apt 308
$295,000    300 E 3rd St Apt 805
$269,900    300 E 3rd St Apt 904
$265,000    300 E 3rd St Apt 509
$237,500    300 E Third St Unit 606
$182,500    423 E 3rd St Apt 209
$160,000   * 724 North St Apt 63
$134,900    816 North St Apt 34

Interested in fun facts and the history of Little Rock, AR?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts and history about Little Rock, Arkansas:

1. Little Rock became the capital of Arkansas in 1821.

2. The city was named after a small rock formation on the south bank of the Arkansas River, which served as a landmark for early travelers.

3. The Trail of Tears, a forced relocation of Native American tribes in the mid-1800s, passed through the Little Rock area.

4. Little Rock became a center of civil rights activism in the 1950s and 1960s, particularly with the desegregation of Central High School in 1957, which was met with resistance and violence.

5. The Clinton Presidential Library is located in Little Rock, dedicated to the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, who served as governor of Arkansas before his presidency.

6. Little Rock is known for its diverse array of cultural institutions, including the Arkansas Arts Center, the Museum of Discovery, and the Little Rock Zoo.

7. The city is home to several institutions of higher education, including the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Philander Smith College, and Arkansas Baptist College.

8. The William J. Clinton National Airport serves as the major airport for Little Rock.

9. Little Rock has a well-preserved historic downtown district, including the River Market entertainment and dining area, with a historic trolley system connecting the area to other parts of the city.

10. The annual Arkansas State Fair, held each fall in Little Rock, attracts visitors from all over the state and beyond with its carnival rides, concerts, and exhibits.