*** No USDA eligible properties were found in ArdenArcade ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Loomis, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Sacramento County

Use the map or table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
64 active listings near ArdenArcade
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,025,000   * 319 Fairgate Rd
$860,000   * 1102 Commons Dr
$789,000    2042 University Park Dr
$775,000   * 700 Dunbarton Cir
$775,000   * 765 Blackmer Cir
$725,000   * 2430 Pavilions Place Ln Unit 405
$725,000   * 2002 University Park Dr
$699,000   * 625 Commons Dr
$665,000   * 124 E Ranch Rd
$649,000    209 Elmhurst Cir
$649,000    509 E Ranch Rd
$634,900   * 1322 Commons Dr
$625,000   * 2403-2405 Larkspur Ln
$620,000    2076 University Park Dr
$615,000    2178 University Park Dr
$609,000   * 961 Commons Dr
$575,000   * 1390 Commons Dr
$568,000   * 908 Vanderbilt Way
$548,000   * 2319 Swarthmore Dr
$525,000   * 609 E Ranch Rd
$499,999   * 246 Hartnell Pl
$495,000   * 606 Hartnell Pl
$479,000    2012 Kincaid Way
$475,000   * 2333 Cortez Ln
$475,000   * 1625 Hesket Way
$459,000   * 2100 Landon Ln
$421,500    712 Woodside Ln E Unit 1
$390,000   * 1845 Morse Ave Apt 206
$389,000   * 826 Commons Dr
$385,000   * 3114 Via Grande
$380,000    2041 Ernest Way
$365,000   * 2266 Woodside Ln Unit 3
$359,000   * 2298 Sierra Blvd Apt E
$349,000    2470 Northrop Ave Apt 10
$344,000   * 3177 Via Grande
$329,000   * 2371 Alta Garden Ln
$325,000    841 Woodside Ln E Unit 9
$315,000   * 3221 Via Grande
$300,000   * 800 Woodside Ln E Unit 8
$299,999    1404 Hood Rd
$299,999    2280 Hurley Way Apt 51
$299,000   * 1019 Dornajo Way Apt 214
$299,000    2280 Hurley Way Apt 33
$285,000   * 2430 Larkspur Ln Apt 281
$284,500    2202 Woodside Ln Unit 1
$280,000   * 1511 Wittkop Way
$279,900    1326 Oak Terrace Ct Apt 17
$279,500    792 Woodside Ln E Unit 9
$265,000   * 1019 Dornajo Way Apt 213
$260,000    546 Woodside Oaks Apt 6
$260,000    1523 Hood Rd Unit C
$257,500    1326 Oak Terrace Ct Apt 11
$235,000   * 706 Woodside Ln E Unit 10
$230,000   * 877 Woodside Ln E Unit 9
$228,500   * 728 Woodside Ln E Unit 4
$228,000   * 788 Woodside Ln E Unit 1
$227,500   * 788 Woodside Ln E Unit 4
$225,000   * 2410 Larkspur Ln Apt 244
$219,000   * 702 Woodside Ln E Unit 12
$217,000   * 1019 Dornajo Way Apt 128
$210,000    2488 Larkspur Ln Apt 193
$209,900    935 Fulton Ave Apt 498
$204,900   * 903 Fulton Ave Apt 407
$199,500    989 Fulton Ave Apt 479

Interested in fun facts and the history of ArdenArcade, CA?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Arden-Arcade, California:

1. Arden-Arcade is an unincorporated community in Sacramento County that was originally two separate communities, Arden and Arcade, that merged in the 1940s.

2. The area is known for its lush green surroundings, featuring many mature trees and landscaped lawns.

3. Arden-Arcade is home to Arden Fair Mall, one of the largest shopping centers in the Sacramento metropolitan area.

4. The community is also home to many notable landmarks, including the California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Aquatic Center and the Effie Yeaw Nature Center.

5. Arden-Arcade is located just east of the American River Parkway, a popular recreational area for hiking, biking, and kayaking.

6. The area has a rich history, dating back to the Gold Rush era of the mid-19th century.

7. Arden-Arcade is known for its affluent neighborhoods and high-end shopping districts.

8. The community is diverse, with a mix of residents from all walks of life, including families, retirees, and young professionals.

9. Arden-Arcade is located just a short drive from downtown Sacramento, making it a convenient place to live for those who work or play in the city.

10. The area has a strong sense of community, with many neighborhoods hosting regular events and activities for residents of all ages to enjoy.