*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Avila Beach ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Los Osos, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Avila Beach
, California in San Luis Obispo County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
47 active listings near Avila Beach
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$7,950,000    263 W Foothill Blvd
$4,295,900    4340 Prefumo Canyon Rd
$3,950,000    1498 Oconnor Way
$2,990,000   * 355 Slender Rock Pl
$2,700,000    35 Blarney Ln
$2,350,000    339 Santa Maria Ave
$2,150,000    254 Grand Ave
$1,950,000    295 Santa Maria Ave
$1,850,000    1042 Olive St
$1,787,500   * Oconnor Way
$1,725,000    4450 Prefumo Canyon Rd
$1,499,000   * 1536 Eto Cir
$1,450,000   * 1733 Spooner Dr
$1,445,000   * 2045 Hope St
$1,399,000    223 Rosita St
$1,350,000    1941 Devaul Ranch Dr
$1,200,000   * 636 Cuesta Dr
$1,200,000    1151 Montalban St
$1,100,000    730 Via Laguna Vis
$1,095,000    2048 Hope St
$1,049,000    247 Warren Way
$975,000    1263 Drake Cir
$950,000   * 418 Cuesta Dr
$945,000   * 792 Clearview Ln
$900,000    1756 Singletree Ct
$899,900    1945 Devaul Ranch Dr
$899,900    1945 Devaul Ranch Dr
$799,000   * 1959 Devaul Ranch Dr
$729,000    1185 E Foothill Blvd Apt 15
$700,000    1609 Huasna Dr
$620,000   * 1330 Paseo De Caballo
$619,000   * 1351 Royal Way Apt 28
$619,000   * 1351 Royal Way Apt 28
$600,000    222 Blue Granite Ln
$595,000   * 1750 Prefumo Canyon Rd Apt 12
$585,000   * 1750 Prefumo Canyon Rd Apt 2
$579,000   * 1750 Prefumo Canyon Rd Apt 52
$575,000    878 Murray Ave
$569,000    1750 Prefumo Canyon Rd Apt 23
$565,000   * 1750 Prefumo Canyon Rd Apt 49
$549,000    Santa Maria Ave
$509,000    1750 Prefumo Canyon Rd Apt 21
$405,000   * 1905 Claire Dr
$397,500    1901 Claire Dr
$375,000    1004 Jean Dr
$330,000    1700 Lynn Dr

Interested in fun facts and the history of Avila Beach, CA?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Avila Beach, California:

1. Avila Beach was originally inhabited by Native Americans for thousands of years, and later became a popular spot for Spanish explorers during the 16th century.

2. The California Gold Rush brought many settlers to Avila Beach in the mid-1800s, and it became a busy shipping port.

3. In the 1920s and 1930s, Avila Beach was a popular vacation destination, and many of the buildings and homes still reflect that era.

4. The community suffered a devastating oil spill from a nearby pipeline in 1998, but has since recovered and rebuilt.

5. Today, Avila Beach is known for its beautiful beaches, quaint shops and restaurants, and outdoor recreation opportunities like hiking, biking, and kayaking.

6. The Avila Beach Pier is a popular spot for fishing, and even hosts a weekly Farmers' Market during the summer months.

7. Every year, Avila Beach hosts several festivals and events, including the Avila Beach Blues Festival and the Avila Beach Farmers' Market Festival.

8. Avila Beach is home to the Bob Jones City-to-Sea Trail, a scenic hiking and biking trail that offers stunning views of the coastline and surrounding hills.