USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Monterey County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
14 active listings near Boronda
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$409,000   👍 20545 Cathrein Ct
$399,000   👍 20540 Cathrein Ct
$369,000   👍 9055 Hidden Canyon Rd
$369,000   👍 20565 Cathrein Ct
$350,000   👍 9015 Hidden Canyon Rd
$349,000   👍 9075 Hidden Canyon Rd
$349,000   👍 9065 Hidden Canyon Rd
$349,000   👍 9070 Hidden Canyon Rd
$329,900   👍 20505 Cathrein Ct
$99,500   👍 12350 Christensen Rd Spc 111
$64,999   👍 12350 Christensen Rd Spc 127

Interested in fun facts and the history of Boronda, CA?
Then read on!

Boronda is an unincorporated village in Monterey County, California, and is part of the greater Salinas metropolitan area. The village is primarily residential, with a mix of rural and suburban properties. Boronda is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including nearby parks, hiking trails, and vineyards. The village is also home to several small businesses, including restaurants, shops, and services. Overall, Boronda offers a quiet, peaceful lifestyle with easy access to nearby cities and attractions.