*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Sacramento ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Wilton, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Sacramento County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Almond Capital
Big Tamato
City motto: Latin: Urbs Indomita "Indomitable City")
73 active listings near Sacramento
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$2,699,000    2860 Florin Rd
$1,245,000   * 1273 Ridgeway Dr
$1,199,000   * 4230 Euclid Ave
$815,000   * 4723 Crestwood Way
$739,900   * 6009 Holstein Way
$730,000    1232 Nevis Ct
$712,500   * 5310 Virginia Way
$699,000   * 1153 Theo Way
$699,000    939 Stern Cir
$689,000    5449 Parish Ct
$645,000   * 2173 Stacia Way
$629,995    1125 25th Ave
$619,000   * 4985 Virginia Way
$590,000   * 2319 Irvin Way
$582,000    5886 Kahara Ct
$579,000   * 2500 26th Ave
$550,000   * 843 Bell Air Dr
$540,000   * 4700 Attawa Ave
$538,000    4521 Custis Ave
$535,000   * 2275 Murieta Way
$520,000    2450 28th Ave
$509,900   * 5620 Dana Way
$499,000   * 2384 Anita Ave
$499,000   * 2516 Brentley Dr
$489,000   * 5652 Norman Way
$485,000   * 2325 Glen Ellen Cir
$485,000   * 2824 Swift Way
$485,000   * 32 Loma Verde Ct
$480,000    2751 Wah Ave
$460,000   * 1956 65th Ave
$459,900   * 1937 Whitman Way
$450,000   * 7533 29th St
$450,000   * 2221 67th Ave
$450,000   * Riverside Blvd
$449,000   * 7381 Tilden Way
$449,000   * 6980 Demaret Dr
$439,000    7421 Candlewood Way
$435,000   * 7356 21st St
$435,000   * 7485 Balfour Way
$435,000    7585 Twilight Dr
$430,000   * 7449 Willowwick Way
$430,000    5673 James Way
$429,999   * 7309 Benbow St
$419,888    6530 Hogan Dr
$419,000   * 1400 Wacker Way
$415,000    2521 Meadow Wood Cir
$410,000   * 2121 48th Ave
$408,000   * 2661 69th Ave
$405,000    5624 Johns Dr
$405,000    5624 Johns Dr
$400,000   * 1948 65th Ave
$399,999    7475 Schreiner St
$399,950   * 5942 McLaren Ave
$399,900   * 1525 London St
$399,000   * 6200 Belleau Wood Ln
$399,000   * 7405 Troon Way
$398,000   * 1460 66th Ave
$395,000   * 6630 Golf View Dr
$390,000   * 6575 Hogan Dr
$380,000   * 6457 Romack Cir
$379,900    2293 66th Ave
$375,000    2145 Oneil Way
$369,000   * 2187 65th Ave
$366,961    7233 Tamoshanter Way
$365,000   * 6861 Demaret Dr
$350,000    5885 Gloria Dr Apt 1
$349,900    2108 15th Ave
$345,999   * 7312 Milford St
$339,900    2072 50th Ave
$338,000   * 5881 Gloria Dr Apt 8
$325,000   * 2629 47th Ave
$299,900   * 5633 James Way
$125,000   * 6830 24th St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Sacramento, CA?
Then read on!

Here are a couple of interesting facts about the area around Sacramento, California:

1. The city of Sacramento was once a major center for the Gold Rush in California. Large deposits of gold were discovered in the nearby hills in 1848, which led to a surge of miners and settlers to the area.

2. The area around Sacramento is also home to some of the world's largest almond orchards. California is responsible for producing over 80% of the world's almonds, and many of these orchards are located near the city.

3. The Sacramento River, which flows through the city, was an important transportation route in the early days of settlement. Steamboats were used to transport goods and people up and down the river, connecting the city to other settlements in the region.

4. Sacramento was the site of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. In 1869, the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad met in Sacramento, linking the east and west coasts of the country for the first time.