*** No USDA eligible properties were found in San Ramon ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Mountain House, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
San Ramon
, California in Contra Costa County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
60 active listings near San Ramon
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$3,879,000   * 4506 Lilac Ridge Rd
$3,100,000   * 6085 Laurelspur Loop
$3,099,000   * 6081 Laurelspur Loop
$3,098,000    2116 Feathermint Dr
$2,880,000    6020 Alpine Blue Dr
$2,849,000   * 2750 Piccadilly Cir
$2,798,000   * 2772 Paige Way
$2,749,000   * 3738 Stonehenge Way
$2,588,000   * 1120 Rosamund Dr
$2,499,000    4048 Marblehead Ct
$2,399,000   * 3453 Ironwood Dr
$2,349,000   * 532 Columbia Creek Dr
$2,300,000    5021 Portillo Vly
$2,298,800   * 629 Sunflower Ct
$2,199,000   * 4136 Greenwich Dr
$2,185,000   * 165 Canyon Lakes Way
$2,150,000   * 407 Maxwell Ct
$2,148,000   * 3211 Marble Canyon Pl
$2,145,000   * 5127 Campion Dr
$2,099,999    53 Longwood Ct
$1,998,000   * 5002 Queensbury Way
$1,995,000    3482 Cinnamon Ridge Rd
$1,950,000   * 53 Jamaica Dr
$1,950,000   * 3652 Montrose Way
$1,949,000   * 5425 Canyon Crest Dr
$1,930,000   * 1174 Arrowfield Way
$1,898,000   * 737 Birdwood Ct
$1,898,000   * 868 Spring Brook Dr
$1,849,500   * 2253 Tahiti Dr
$1,849,000   * 3040 Sorrelwood Dr
$1,799,000   * 3666 Cinnamon Ridge Rd
$1,798,000    2420 Canyon Lakes Dr
$1,788,888   * 505 Quimby Ct
$1,750,000   * 3051 Sorrelwood Dr
$1,728,888   * 209 Aspenwood Ct
$1,625,000   * 2241 Goldenrod Ln
$1,589,000   * 1040 Lakeridge Pl
$1,349,000   * 7091 Briza Loop
$1,300,000   * 5057 Barrenstar Way
$1,299,900   * 3019 Tahoe Pl
$1,299,900   * 4023 W Lakeshore Dr
$1,299,000   * 74 Shasta Ct
$1,299,000   * 49 Canyon Green Ct
$1,298,000   * 2065 Watermill Rd
$1,298,000   * 121 Lakeridge Ln
$1,199,000   * 7518 Imperata Ln
$1,189,170    6255 Byron Ln
$1,180,000   * 7458 Stoneleaf Rd
$1,178,000   * 7912 Persica Ct
$1,168,000   * 2408 Millstream Ln
$1,148,000   * 3010 Lakemont Dr Unit 5
$1,099,000   * 6220 Lakeview Cir
$1,075,000   * 1513 Arianna Ln
$1,050,000   * 305 Bellflower Dr
$725,000   * 795 Watson Canyon Ct Apt 257
$715,000   * 3871 Crow Canyon Rd
$699,000    236 Eastridge Dr
$524,900   * 440 Bollinger Canyon Ln Apt 195
$520,000    775 Watson Canyon Ct Apt 242
$510,000    785 Watson Canyon Ct Apt 348

Interested in fun facts and the history of San Ramon, CA?
Then read on!

San Ramon is a suburban city of the San Francisco Bay Area, known for being the headquarters of major companies like Chevron and 24 Hour Fitness. The city has a population of around 75,000 and is located approximately 34 miles east of San Francisco. San Ramon has many recreational activities, including hiking trails, parks, and sports fields. Additionally, it is home to the award-winning San Ramon Valley Unified School District, which has a reputation for providing quality education to students. Overall, San Ramon is a thriving community with a high quality of life.