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A Place to Call Home

Great Aspects:
1. Harlan is located in the heart of Southwest Iowa, making it a great destination for outdoor activities such as fishing, hunting, and camping.
2. The city has a thriving business district with a variety of local shops and restaurants.

Not So Good Thing:
Harlan has limited public transportation options, which can make it difficult to get around without a car.

Troy Granger
Agent Photo

A native of small town Treynor, Iowa, Troy knows the value of a handshake and a smile. He believes in treating his customers ... see full details and contact information for Troy ... Granger is the best real estate agent in Nebraska and Iowa. 402-306-3333
Troy has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $279,900 to $394,900 with the most recent sale on 2023-10-19 for $549,000.
Serving the areas of Missouri Valley, Persia, Malvern, Elliott, Emerson, Gretna, Glenwood, Oakland & Harlan
Patty Reisz
Agent Photo

United Country Loess Hills Realty & Auction

Office address:

Patricia has 36 recent and active property listings that range in price from $37,500 to $560,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-21 for $1,300,000.
Serving the areas of Woodbine, Logan, Missouri Valley, Pisgah, Harlan & Dunlap
Noah Bertelson
Agent Photo

Todays home buyers and home sellers need an expert real estate professional to guide them through this complicated and ... see full details and contact information for Noah ... for five generations, we have invested in the communities that we serve.
Noah has 1 active or recent property listings for $100,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-08 for $361,000.
Serving the areas of Logan, Fort Dodge, Honey Creek, Crescent, Underwood, Pisgah, Modale, Little Sioux, Missouri Valley & Woodbine
Elizabeth Heistand
Agent Photo
Schaben Real Estate, LLC

Office address:
701 W HIGHWAY 30

This realtor has 10 recent and active property listings that range in price from $20,000 to $499,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-21 for $499,500.
Serving the areas of Woodbine, Dunlap, Logan, Harlan, Denison, Dow City & Missouri Valley
Natasha Garcia
Agent Photo

2 Realtors working together to bring you home!
We are proud parents of three beautiful children and know what families need to live comfortably. Combined, we have over 50 ... see full details and contact information for Natasha ... Together, we will give you excellent personalized service you deserve.
Natasha has 1 active or recent property listings for $269,500.
Serving the areas of Magnolia, Modale, Tabor, Malvern, Avoca, Treynor, Hastings, Carson, Underwood & Emerson
Richard Mcclellan
Agent Photo
kwELITE Real Estate

Office address:
17838 BURKE ST STE 102

Richard has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-10-13 for $602,600.
Serving the areas of Union, Springfield, Waverly, Logan, Lincoln, Murray, Woodbine, Oakland, Fremont & Underwood
Read the reviews for Richard Mcclellan
Carey Jensen
Agent Photo

We hold the key to your real estate needs!
Real estate has been my career since 1996. I enjoy helping people buy and sell homes everyday and think that real estate ... see full details and contact information for Carey ... of Southwest Iowa and Omaha Multiple Listing Services Broker Associate
Carey has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Minden, Papillion, Honey Creek, Underwood, Tabor, Treynor, Springfield & La Vista
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Official State Seal

Harlan, Iowa is a small town that offers a small town charm with a low cost of living. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of owning a home in Harlan:

1. Affordability: Harlan has a lower cost of living than many other cities in the US which translates to lower property taxes and less expensive homes.
2. Community: Harlan is a small, tight-knit community, which is perfect if you prefer a slower pace of life and close-knit relationships.
3. Quality of life: Harlan offers a high quality of life, with good schools, low crime rates, and a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities.
4. Investment: As a homeowner, your property can appreciate in value over time, allowing you to build equity and potentially sell it for a profit.

1. Limited job opportunities: Harlan is a small town, so there may be limited job opportunities available in the area, which could mean a longer commute to work or the need to work remotely.
2. Lack of amenities: Although Harlan has a range of basic amenities (supermarkets, restaurants, etc.), it may not have the same range of shopping, entertainment, or cultural opportunities as larger cities.
3. Harsh weather conditions: Iowa weather is known for its extremes, with very cold winters and hot summers, as well as the possibility of tornadoes.

Ultimately, the decision to buy a home in Harlan depends on your personal preferences and circumstances.