*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Indianapolis ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Mooresville, IN. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Indiana in Marion County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Racing Capital of the World
Circle City
City motto: The Crossroads of America
74 active listings near Indianapolis
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$2,199,000    10919 Brigantine Dr
$1,999,500    8972 Mud Creek Rd
$1,500,000    8815 Spinnaker Ct
$1,175,000   * 12325 Bayside Ct
$1,000,000   * 7118 Lantern Rd
$995,000   * 9646 Bayview Ct
$925,000   * 7624 William Penn Pl
$820,000    9101 Sargent Manor Ct
$789,000   * 10615 Stormhaven Way
$770,000    9658 Farragut Cir Lot 250
$739,900   * 8839 Spinnaker Ct
$729,900   * 9618 Timberline Ct
$700,000   * 10012 Fall Creek Rd
$699,900   * 10971 Windjammer Dr S
$670,000   * 8113 Sargent Rdg
$625,000    10019 Northwind Dr
$500,000   * 9235 Moorings Blvd
$499,900    6712 Bruton Dr
$459,900   * 8879 Sargent Rd
$450,000    9618 Oakhaven Ct
$445,000   * 7242 Hampstead Ln
$435,000   * 6818 Creekridge Trl
$430,000   * 10160 E 86th St
$399,999   * 9021 Seabreeze Ct
$399,000   * 9516 Moorings Blvd
$395,000   * 6824 Sargent Rd
$395,000   * 8553 Thornhill Dr
$385,000   * 8422 Sandpiper Ct
$374,900   * 9936 Shahan Ct
$372,900   * 9004 Alibeck Ct
$370,000   * 8872 Falkirk Ct
$364,900   * 10040 Shahan Ct
$360,000    10982 Geist Woods Dr S
$349,900   * 8204 Red Bud East Ln
$349,900   * 7546 Honnen Dr N
$335,000   * 7419 Deville Ct
$329,900   * 10560 Lighthouse Way
$324,900   * 8008 Tanager Ln
$320,000   * 8833 Saddle Ct
$310,000   * 7159 Crest Ln
$303,000    8055 Cardinal Cv E
$300,000   * 7758 Wind Run Cir
$300,000   * 7674 Micawber Ct
$300,000   * 8703 Deer Run Dr
$299,900   * 7535 Honnen Dr N
$299,000   * 8645 Gunpowder Dr
$289,000   * 8321 Prairie Dr
$285,000   * 8739 Gunpowder Dr
$280,000   * 8169 Foxchase Cir
$279,900   * 9575 Hadway Dr
$279,000   * 7013 Hague Rd
$275,000   * 8772 Sugar Pine Pt
$274,900   * 6904 Honnen Dr W
$270,000   * 7930 Hilltop Ln
$269,900    7437 Sedgewick Way
$264,900   * 8041 Talliho Dr
$264,900    7408 Sedgewick Way
$254,900   * 7137 Hague Rd
$253,900   * 8172 Talliho Dr
$250,000   * 7563 Copperfield Way
$245,000    8076 Talliho Dr
$229,900   * 8882 Trager Ct
$225,000   * 8949 Crook Dr
$224,900   * 8866 Trager Ct
$220,000   * 7517 Castleton Farms Dr N
$204,900   * 7510 Castleton Farms Dr N
$195,000   * 7548 Castleton Farms Dr W
$139,900   * 7420 Creekbed Ln Lot 16
$129,900    9308 Shady Bend Ct Lot 18
$129,900    9416 Sandbury Rd Lot 11
$126,900    9415 Sandbury Rd Lot 10
$90,000   * 9040 Fall Creek Rd Lot 31
$69,900    7341 Creekbed Ln Lot 1

Interested in fun facts and the history of Indianapolis, IN?
Then read on!

Here are some facts about Indianapolis, Indiana:

1. Indianapolis is the capital city of Indiana and also the largest city in the state.
2. It is home to the Indianapolis 500, which is the world's largest single-day sporting event.
3. The city is also known as the "Crossroads of America" because it has more major highways converging on it than any other city in the country.

As for an historical event that took place around Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has a significant place in history as it was used as a testing ground for military vehicles during World War I. Additionally, Indianapolis was also a center of activity during the Civil Rights Movement, with significant events such as the 1963 Great March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom occurring nearby.