USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Kansas in Kearny County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
24 active listings near Lakin
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$424,000   👍 Se/4 24-22-38 # 1
$320,000   👍 1104 Robroye Ave
$300,000   👍 1203 Smith Ave
$285,000   👍 306 Second St
$255,000   👍 1291 River Rd
$250,000   👍 1106 Smith Ave
$248,000   👍 1108 W Kingman Ave
$237,200   👍 0000 County Rd
$220,000   👍 504 S Buffalo St
$219,900   👍* 503 N Main St
$215,000   👍 405 N Buffalo St
$175,000   👍* 105 N Hamilton St
$149,000   👍* 504 S Lakin St
$145,000   👍 204 N Bopp Blvd
$109,500   👍 905 N Wayne Ave
$107,000   👍 107 S Kearny St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Lakin, KS?
Then read on!

Lakin is a small village located in the Great Plains region of western Kansas. It has a population of around 2,200 people and is known for being a friendly and welcoming community. The town has a strong agricultural presence, with farming and ranching being significant parts of the local economy. Lakin is also home to several community events and activities, including a county fair, a Halloween parade, and a Christmas festival. Additionally, visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing in the area.