*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Audubon Park ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Mount Washington, KY. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Audubon Park
, Kentucky in Jefferson County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
38 active listings near Audubon Park
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$845,000    3200 E Indian Trl
$699,000    1005 Cardinal Dr
$650,000    4617 Marion Ave
$565,900    1151 Dove Rd
$449,900   * 1211 Cardinal Dr
$415,000    3242 Cross Bill Rd
$395,000   * 1025 Trevilian Way
$365,000    1300 Cardinal Dr Unit 106
$324,900   * 1023 Greenleaf Rd
$300,000   * 909 Rosemary Dr
$299,999    3454 Illinois Ave
$299,999    3121 Osprey Rd
$289,000   * 1500 Audubon Pkwy
$285,000   * 3118 Harmon Ct
$282,000    1227 Larue Ave
$275,000   * 1507 Audubon Pkwy
$275,000    1227 Valley Dr
$269,900    1037 Trevilian Way
$265,000   * 5306 Fairy Belle Ct
$254,900    1264 Springdale Dr
$249,900   * 1501 Lincoln Ave
$239,000   * 2819 Whitlock St
$229,900   * 3829 Poplar Level Rd
$220,000    4026 Henderson Ave
$219,900    1524 McKay Ave
$215,000   * 1632 Whippoorwill Rd
$195,000   * 4423 Campobello St
$190,000   * 4504 Shasta Trl
$184,900   * 2803 Park Brook Ln
$175,000    1324 Short St
$174,900   * 1313 Lacona Ln
$170,000   * 4223 Curtis Ave
$165,000   * 4137 Monroe Ave
$152,000   * 2849 Elam Dr
$150,000   * 4609 Silverleaf Dr
$144,000    4611 Silverleaf Dr
$130,000    6112 Loretta St
$1   * 1234 Wolfe Ave

Interested in fun facts and the history of Audubon Park, KY?
Then read on!

Audubon Park, Kentucky is named after John James Audubon, a famous wildlife artist and naturalist who lived in the area in the early 1800s. Here are some other interesting facts about Audubon Park:

- The village was incorporated in 1936 and is one of the oldest suburban municipalities in the Louisville metropolitan area.
- Audubon Park is a popular residential neighborhood with tree-lined streets, historic homes, and a strong sense of community.
- The village has a total area of just over 0.5 square miles and is home to around 1,500 residents.
- Audubon Park is known for its lush green spaces, including the 9-acre Audubon Country Club, which features a golf course, tennis courts, and a swimming pool.
- The village also has a strong commitment to sustainability and has implemented several eco-friendly initiatives, including a recycling program and the installation of energy-efficient streetlights.
- Audubon Park has several annual events that bring the community together, including a Fourth of July parade, a fall festival, and a Christmas tree lighting ceremony.