*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Louisville ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Pewee Valley, KY. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Kentucky in Jefferson County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
The Fall City
The Ville
45 active listings near Louisville
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$3,400,000    1 East Mill Pl
$1,200,000    6200 Orion Rd
$875,000    3725 Hillsdale Rd
$869,900   * 3004 Dunraven Dr
$825,000    6214 Innes Trace Rd
$795,000   * 8911 Linn Station Rd
$715,000    2628 Alia Cir
$659,900   * 2606 Alia Cir
$649,995    3123 Runnymede Rd
$649,900   * 325 Wood Rd
$649,900   * 530 Leicester Cir
$649,000    9214 Woodhurst Ct
$644,500   * 6303 Lime Rd
$642,400   * 9001 Peterborough Ct
$575,000   * 539 Leicester Cir
$499,900    9200 Woodhurst Ct
$479,000    202 Lyndon Ln
$465,000    1803 Girard Dr
$449,500   * 1803 Herr Ln
$425,000    507 Alabama Ave
$419,000   * 9505 Wessex Pl
$399,900    210 Arterburn Dr
$390,000    1909 Warrington Way
$380,000   * 1504 Cadet Ct
$379,900   * 1403 Cadet Ct
$369,000   * 9519 Wessex Pl
$369,000   * 9519 Wessex Pl
$365,000   * 7305 Keisler Way
$360,000   * 1814 Warrington Way
$349,000   * 1005 King Arthur Ln
$345,000   * 513 Leyton Ave
$315,000   * 8605 Shelbyville Rd Apt 116
$315,000   * 1329 Etawah Ave
$290,000   * 1716 Eagle Creek Pl
$274,900   * 7219 Columbia Ave
$274,900    626 Harris Pl
$270,000   * 501 Marquette Dr
$248,000   * 1321 Lancaster Pl Unit 1321
$240,000    527 Harris Pl
$239,900   * 619 N Harris Pl
$185,900   * 8625 Shelbyville Rd Apt 106
$135,000    8132 Lake Ter Apt F3
$10,000    330 Camelia Ave
$10,000    319 Camelia Ave
$10,000   * 325 Camelia Ave

Interested in fun facts and the history of Louisville, KY?
Then read on!

One historical event that took place around Louisville, Kentucky would be the Battle of Perryville in October 1862. This was a major battle during the American Civil War and happened about 90 miles south of Louisville. Union and Confederate troops fought in the rolling hills of central Kentucky, resulting in over 7,500 casualties. While the Confederate army claimed victory, they were heavily outnumbered and forced to withdraw back to Tennessee. The Battle of Perryville marked a turning point in the war, securing Kentucky as a Union state and preventing the Confederacy from advancing northward.