*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Hazel Park ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Romeo, MI. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Hazel Park
, Michigan in Oakland County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
69 active listings near Hazel Park
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$899,000    24095 Vance Ave
$369,900    448 W Elza Ave
$359,999   * 41 W Hayes Ave
$359,999    1705 E Meyers Ave
$354,999   * 23438 Easterling Ave
$350,000   * 1722 E Hayes Ave
$313,000    1735 E Granet Ave
$300,595   * 321 Jeff Keeton Dr Unit 54
$299,355   * 129 W Otis Ave
$299,000    1821 E Otis Ave
$289,900   * 703 W Shevlin Ave
$279,900   * 415 Jeff Keeton Dr Unit 33
$250,000   * 390 W Bernhard Ave
$249,900    354 W Woodruff Ave
$234,999   * 62 Hamata Ave
$224,900   * 454 W Meyers Ave
$220,000   * 410 W Muir Ave
$215,000    1518 E George Ave
$200,000   * 531 E Woodward Heights Blvd
$199,900   * 156 W Brickley Ave
$197,900   * 440 W Jarvis Ave
$197,000   * 118 Andresen Ct
$197,000   * 138 W Robert Ave
$194,900   * 603 E Mapledale Ave
$179,999   * 1812 E Meyers Ave
$179,900   * 23773 Harding Ave
$175,000    23352 Stauber Ave
$171,000    1565 E Evelyn Ave
$170,000   * 23821 Vance Ave
$169,000   * 23384 Pilgrim Ave
$165,000   * 1805 E Meyers Ave
$165,000   * 1458 E Bernhard Ave
$164,900   * 1813 E Goulson Ave
$160,000   * 328 W Milton Ave
$150,000   * 1202 E Hayes Ave
$150,000    23313 Hazelwood Ave
$149,900   * 563 E Maxlow Ave
$149,900   * 624 E Milton Ave
$142,500   * 128 W George Ave
$140,000   * 435 W Sonoma Ave
$139,900    23728 Battelle Ave
$139,000    46 Manatee Ave
$138,900   * 419 W Hayes Ave
$124,900   * 515 E Milton St
$124,900    1504 E Meyers Ave
$124,900   * 118 W Milton Ave
$123,500   * 512 E Brickley Ave
$118,500    1421 E George Ave
$115,000   * 304 E Pearl Ave
$96,000   * 40 E Hayes Ave
$89,000   * 23147 Tawas Ave
$79,900   * 1033 E George Ave
$78,900   * 563 E Milton Ave
$59,900    E Muir Ave
$55,000    W Hayes Ave
$49,900    E Muir Ave
$45,000    E Harry Ave
$39,900   * 445 W Sonoma Ave
$30,000    E Harry Ave
$21,900    1827 E Pearl Ave
$21,000    1404 E George Ave
$20,000   * 522 E Otis Ave
$18,900    46 E Bernhard Ave
$18,900    116 W George Ave
$15,998    W Muir Ave
$10,000   * 89 W Hayes Ave

Interested in fun facts and the history of Hazel Park, MI?
Then read on!

Here are some true facts about Hazel Park, Michigan:

1. It is a city located in Oakland County, Michigan, United States.
2. The city has a population of approximately 16,500 people.
3. Hazel Park was incorporated as a city in 1941.
4. The city was named after the hazelnut bushes in the area, which were used to identify the local landowners' properties.
5. Hazel Park is known for its racetrack where horse racing takes place, the Hazel Park Raceway. However, the track closed in 2018 and has since been demolished to make way for commercial development.