USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
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Lake Orion
, Michigan in Oakland County

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City Seal
9 active listings near Lake Orion
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$619,900   👍* 1731 Algonquian Trl

Interested in fun facts and the history of Lake Orion, MI?
Then read on!

Here are a couple of true facts about the village of Lake Orion, Michigan:

1. Lake Orion is named after the body of water that it surrounds - Lake Orion. The lake was reportedly named after the Greek god Orion, who was known for his hunting skills.

2. Lake Orion has a historic downtown area that features many restaurants, shops, and bars. The downtown is also home to the Pixie, a local landmark that has been serving ice cream and other treats since 1948.