*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Riverview ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Maybee, MI. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Michigan in Wayne County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
37 active listings near Riverview
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$800,000    18225 Racho Rd
$645,000    18227 Country Club Cir
$475,000   * 15600 Homeister Dr
$425,000   * 15720 Cumberland St
$409,900    14909 Stoneham Ln
$400,000    14739 Brookline St
$400,000    17684 Clover St
$389,900   * 19668 Coachwood Rd
$385,000   * 20275 Wellesley St
$350,000   * 14056 Dundee St
$339,900   * 17951 Brentwood Dr
$270,000    17162 Smith St
$259,900   * 20631 Maplewood Ct
$259,900   * 18328 Donnelly Ave
$245,000   * 18551 Aldrin Ave
$245,000    Vacant Sibley Rd
$240,000    17630 Smith St
$235,000   * 14222 Williamsburg Dr
$220,000   * 18633 Hilltop Ln
$215,000   * 14739 Pennsylvania Rd
$205,000   * 17776 Bobwhite Ct
$189,900   * 17520 Matthews St
$189,900   * 18336 Jefferson
$189,900   * 18350 Jefferson
$185,000   * 18611 Valade St
$184,999   * 18776 Hinton St
$179,900   * 18797 Hinton St
$179,900   * 18100 Valade St
$174,900   * 17772 Feather Ln
$169,900    17734 Matthews St
$165,000    11930 Garfield St
$159,900    17125 Valade St
$155,000   * 11804 Garfield St
$150,000   * 17515 Reno St
$139,900   * 17815 Smith St
$115,000    17636 Matthews St
$99,900    Dix-Toledo and Gudith Rd

Interested in fun facts and the history of Riverview, MI?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Riverview, Michigan:

1. The town is named after its location next to the Detroit River.

2. Riverview has a population of approximately 12,000 people.

3. The town was incorporated in 1959, but its history dates back to the 1800s.

4. Riverview is home to the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, which stretches for 48 miles along the Detroit River.

5. The town has several parks, including Memorial Park, Young Patriot's Park, and Heritage Park.

6. Riverview is located near several major highways, including I-75 and I-94, making it a convenient location for commuters.

7. The town is served by the Riverview Community School District, which has several schools, including Riverview Community High School.

8. Riverview has a strong sense of community and hosts several events throughout the year, including a Memorial Day Parade, a Farmer's Market, and summer concerts in the park.