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Looking to buy in Granite County, Montana?
There are 15 USDA backed residential loans in Granite county with an average loan balance of $126,297. Over 80% of the loans helped first time home buyers. Borrowers were an average age of 35 years old. The typical appraised home value was around $140,678. On average the rural home size purchased with this loan was approximately 1,237 SqFt. Granite county applies the standard USDA income limits to determine loan eligibility. For a household of upto 4 people the income limit is $90,300. For a household of between 5 and 8 people the income limit is increased to $119,200.
The size of Granite County is roughly 4,487 square kilometers. There are no geographical USDA loan restrictions in this county. The influence score for Granite County is 9. Look below for the interactive county level map illustration below for more details.
Start your search for USDA loan eligible properties in the cities of Granite County, MT
* cities most likely to have USDA loan eligible properties for sale.
Bearmouth • Beartown • Bradman • Byrne • *Drummond • Garnet • Granite • Hall • *Maxville • New Chicago • Ozan • *Philipsburg • Princeton • Quigley • Ravenna • Rumsey • Sherryl • Springtown • Stone • Top ODeep
A USDA loan is a mortgage option available to eligible homebuyers that is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture to promote homeownership in rural communities. USDA Loans, sometimes called "RD Loans," offer 100% financing options on eligible rural properties. USDAProperties can help you find USDA properties in Granite County.
Granite County, located in the great state of Montana, was established on March 2, 1893. The county was named after the abundance of granite present in the region. It is situated in the northwestern part of Montana and covers an area of approximately 1,733 square miles. Philipsburg serves as the county seat for Granite County.
The county's history is deeply rooted in the mining industry, particularly in silver mining. In fact, Granite County was home to one of the largest silver mines of its time the Granite Mountain Mine. The Granite Mountain Mining Boom, which happened in the late 19th century, attracted many workers and families to the area, leading to a significant population growth in the county. Philipsburg became the main hub of economic activities during this boom.
One fun fact about Granite County is that it is home to the Sapphire Gallery, where visitors can uncover their very own Montana sapphires. The Gallery offers a unique hands-on mining experience known as "Sapphire Gravel Washing," in which visitors can sift through buckets of gravel to discover and keep the beautiful sapphires that they find.