USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, New York in Fulton County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
26 active listings near Mayfield
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$675,000   👍 L101 Paradise Point Rd
$650,000   👍* County Highway 123
$500,000   👍 420 Collins-Gifford Valley Rd Lot 7
$425,000   👍 1205 State Highway 30
$425,000   👍* L6 Bayview Rd Lot 4
$384,500   👍 157 Gilbert Rd
$325,000   👍* 1089 County Highway 123
$310,000   👍* 493 County Highway 123
$299,900   👍 26 W Main St
$299,500   👍* 378 Beech St
$239,900   👍 420 County Highway 102
$199,900   👍 451 Bunker Hill Rd
$199,500   👍* L25 Bunker Hill Rd
$185,000   👍* 24 W Main St
$179,000   👍* 31 2nd Ave
$165,000   👍 861 State Highway 30
$154,900   👍 Off Jackson Summit Rd
$149,900   👍 9 1st Ave
$84,000   👍* 97 N Main St
$49,900   👍* 344 Jackson Summit Rd

Interested in fun facts and the history of Mayfield, NY?
Then read on!

Here are a couple of true facts about the village of Mayfield, New York:

- Mayfield is named in honor of the famous American revolutionary soldier and statesman, John Mayfield. He served New York in the Continental Army during the American Revolution and later became a congressman.
- Mayfield is known for its picturesque rural setting, surrounded by rolling hills and scenic forests. Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy hiking, fishing, and hunting in the area, while visitors to town can take in the village's historic architecture, including several centuries-old homes and public buildings.