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Gnadenhutten, Ohio
Default City Image for Tuscarawas
Jeff Mathias
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My Passion is Real Estate- My focus is You
Jeff received his four-year degree in Business from Muskingum College and started in real estate in 1979. He purchased the ... see full details and contact information for Jeffrey ... (dollar volume) from 2000-2010 than any other Realtor in Tuscarawas Co.
Jeffrey has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $94,900 to $879,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-15 for $2,100,000.
Serving the areas of Gnadenhutten, Leesville, Dellroy, Mineral City, Uhrichsville, Port Washington, Strasburg, Deersville, Sherrodsville & Beach City
Holly & Rich Grimm
Agent Photo

Keeping it Simple for YOU!
I have been selling real estate in Tuscarawas and surrounding counties for 31 years and I love what I do! I am married and ... see full details and contact information for Holly ... sellers the best we can to make their transaction as smooth as possible.
Holly has 1 active or recent property listings for $335,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-08 for $525,000.
Serving the areas of Sugarcreek, Mineral City, Dundee, Tuscarawas, Bolivar, Dennison, Stone Creek, Dover, Bowerston & New Philadelphia
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Official State Seal

Advantages of buying property in the village of Tuscarawas, Ohio could include:

1. Lower Living Costs: Tuscarawas has a lower cost of living compared to many other suburban areas.

2. Small Town Atmosphere: The community is small and tight-knit, making it ideal for families who value a more personal touch.

3. Good location: Tuscarawas is within a reasonable distance of major metropolitan areas including Akron and Canton, Ohio.

4. Natural Scenery: The area boasts natural beauty with lots of outdoor recreational opportunities, including fishing, hiking, and picnicking.

Disadvantages of buying property in the village of Tuscarawas, Ohio could include:

1. Lack of Amenities: Because it is a small town, Tuscarawas lacks many of the amenities associated with a larger city.

2. Limited Employment Opportunities: Job prospects in the area can be limited in comparison to larger cities.

3. Harsh Winters: The area experiences harsh, snowy winters which could be a downside for some.

4. Limited Health Services: As a small town, there may be limited healthcare services available in the area.

It's important to weigh the pros and cons when considering buying any property, but ultimately the decision depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle.